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Trout Fishing


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Hi Raiders,

Went for my first ever trout fishing trip on Friday/Saturday. Flicking Celta,s around in the Coxs river on Friday morning and catching many snags. I see a few fish swim by and they look big. First step done - locate the fish. Now it was up to skill and technique, or maybe luck!

A couple more casts of the Celta in their direction, out comes the trout and nails it right before my eyes. It thrashed and splashed around but was subdued by my 6lb fluoro and the nice fat Rainbow was brought to rest at my feet. It measured up 40cm and I was very happy with that result. A great start to the weekend. Soon after my mate pulls in a nice Brown measuring 33cm. Several more undersize were caught and as many more dropped too. Trout are definitely hard work to catch but worth the effort when it comes to the plate. Ate my first trout which we cooked on the camp fire and it is one of the best tasting fish I have ever eaten. The rest of the trip became a Celta recovery mission with both my mate and I having to wade through the chilly water to retrieve the snagged lures. Thankfully no one fell in.

The one that didn't get away.


Ready for the camp fire.


Edited by wish2fish
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Those trees kept jumping out in front of me. Or was that you W4z shaking them?

I'd have to agree with you trout stalker. It is a difficult stream and not too many places to access it from. Have you been there lately?

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I'd have to agree with you trout stalker. It is a difficult stream and not too many places to access it from. Have you been there lately?

Not for a few months champ, I moved away from the blue mountains a little while ago and haven't been back since. I am closer to the snowies these days.

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Well done on the the fish boys! I really thought they were a myth in that stream. I walk nearly that whole river with trout scarer (trout stalker) and fishless again (diesel) and didn't even see one!

They got excited by something they call "a follow"

Nice part of the world for a scenic bush walk though!

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Record bow didn't come from the snowies stalker

That's a solid point diesel, it did come from the back of the blue mountains but it wasn't in the coxs either hehe. I will however be going for one up at Eucumbene soon and I have seen bigger ones come from there.

And Scratchie I told you they were real hehe.

Edited by Trout Stalker
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