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South West Rocks easter


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Went up to the rocks over easter didn't take the boat but got a couple of trips with brother in law.

Easter Sat the swell was up and the bar was pumping at times. Went for a swim the water was fine.

Swell was dropping sat arvo so decided to chase mackerel on easter sun. Got to the ramp 6:30 and it was quite, headed out and went to Grassy to try our luck, the water was a lttle dirty from the big swell stirring things up. Managed one spottie and that was it, headed in to close ground then up to Scotts Head but nothing. Headed home early as things were quiet.

Tues after easter went in the river lurecasting started at Jersyville ramp and worked our way down the river to the main ramp

then ran upstream almost to Gladstone and tried all our favourite spots.

4 hours of casting assorted lures produced 1 small GT not a single flathead any size, we didn't even see one take off from the shallows. A couple of years back we would have got 5 or 6, 10 years ago we might have got a doz, 35 years ago we would have been disappointed with less than 40. (no we did not catch them all, released most even back then) (yes people were lurecasting for flathead 35 yrs ago)

Several excuses, This is one of the few rivers still netted. - Fishing pressure on everyones list of places to fish - A few big floods have caused acid runoff from the flood mitigation system along the river resulting in killing everything in the river. The river does not have any weed beds anymore and thus fish habitat has gone.

The bream population still seems OK caught plenty off the breakwall.

Wed head back to Sydney so I can chase dollies on thurs.


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Yep I love them reports from the rocks , Sometimes when its hot its hot. I have noticed during Easter it does get big at the bar , But as anywhere you just have to take the chance when you go there , A couple times I have taken my boat up there and only gone out once or twice and other times its perfect and you catch heaps. I also like the bream at the boat ramps there's heaps . LOVE THE ROCKS.

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