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Hawkesbury with the Gf :)


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G'day raiders, managed to get the day on Wednesday with the girlfriend to fish, after some advice from Scratchie was hoping to get up to Spencer but my better half was a bit crook so decided to go to Flat Rock near brooklyn then head to kangaroo point for the slack tide near the bridge hoping for a jew.

Well the plans didn't all come together but it was a crackin day anyway with the girlfriend adding about 5 new species to her belt :)

Started throwing prawns around flat rock the current was racing out and the girlfriend kept snagging up, then she managed a lovely 30cm tailor all by herself which I slabbed up for jew baits :D

After that I scored a nice bream about 30cm the the girlfriend yells sheepishly "Beeennnn. ..I'm Snagged again. ..sorry...oh..wait...*joyous giggling*" she had actually had an octopus on which she managed to unstick from the bottom! I've caught one from this spot before but this was definitely a highlight for her! She managed to unhook it and get some snaps before letting it swim off :)

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Not much action after that so headed to Kangaroo, after trecking around through the bush for a bit found a spot near the bridge. Current wouldn't stop racing even on the slack which annoyed me no end and couldn't hold bottom/ even reach the bottom with my tailor slabs. Is this just a case of put a ruddy big weight on?

Girlfriend was getting bored so took her down to apple tree bay where I knew she would at least be able to get baby bream and other nibblers. Got there and threw prawns on jigheads helping her learn how to feel the bite, let it run then strike. She also got the concept of no slack line when winding down pat and scored bream, baby pinks and I got a fair share of the same. Got a yakka which I was tempted to put out live but time was getting away from us.

All in all the true aim of the day was achieved: keep her interested in fishing and get her more species! She was stoked with her octopus and other catches so that's ticks all round!

Thanks for reading guys not the most exciting report but was a good day on the water to relieve the tedium of work and uni.



Some more snaps

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Guest Aussie007

haha nice read good to see your missus handled the occy im shit scared of them after one crawled under my floor boards and up my leg one time i now just cut them off lol

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So she likes fishing aye ..... Dude, Marry her immediately !!

Haha mate she's pretty tops!

Lol your gfs a keeper mate and that occy would have made good bait or so a guy on a random beach told me. For jewies just chuck out a whole tentacle

Yeah I've heard they go ok, but it was her catch so let her decide what to do with it :) next time hopefully!

I wish my misso would come out more with me... or do I? Either way you're on a good thing. :)

Haha yeah man can feel a bit double edged sometimes...at first it was a bit "what have I done" thinking I'd spend my times unsnagging and rigging but she's a champ! Told me last night how she wants to get to a level where we can both happily fish...I've just doubled my catching power :P

Great work looks like a eventful day

Cheers sydneyfisher12

Thanks Syd had a ball :)

haha nice read good to see your missus handled the occy im shit scared of them after one crawled under my floor boards and up my leg one time i now just cut them off lol

Baha that's classic gazza, must admit she was a lot keener than me to stick her hands near the beak! Had a similar experience last time I caught one :P

Defiantly an exciting day on the water

A Jewwy would of topped it of though

Well done

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Thanks mate :) hopefully the Jewwy will come along soon!

Great report mate! And good on the GF for having a go. You caught a few and had a good day out, that's all that matters!

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Cheers Scratchie had a blast. Hopefully extend the next trip to Spencer to check it out :)

Nice Report Witha.

... Steve

Thanks mate appreciate it :)

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Nice report Ben,

The GF sounds like a joy to behold. I'm sure you know about that anyway, he he. Glad both of you had a good day out. Nothing beats a weekday when it comes to fishing. I'm trying to con the boss to let me start evening shifts, then work it around to Sunday, Mondays off. That'd suit me.

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Nice report Ben,


The GF sounds like a joy to behold. I'm sure you know about that anyway, he he. Glad both of you had a good day out. Nothing beats a weekday when it comes to fishing. I'm trying to con the boss to let me start evening shifts, then work it around to Sunday, Mondays off. That'd suit me.

Mate too true, actually dreading finishing uni as it means bye bye weekday fishing! Working the weekends isn't the greatest but beats crowds! Definitely get the Monday off!

Well done!!! Tell her mrsswordie is proud of her :)

Get her to join and post her own reports :clapping:

Thanks Donna! I'll definitely pass that on! Hopefully I can get her addicted and make a raider of her!

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Just think of all that fishing tackle your going to have to duplicate in pink!!! Lol

... Steve

Haha oh but on that front I have a plan! The setup she has been using is my 3-5kg stick 2500 sienna 10lb braid combo, which works a treat but I'm looking for something better so I can give her that one as her own then see if she catches the bug before investing in the custom pink gear :P

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I know fishing with my mum and dad always ends out good !!

Cheers scratchie_junior

You guys look like you have some epic sessions mate!

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Nice day of fishing! Good to see your GF's enthusiastic about it! Mine is in theory, but she's usually too busy to come. I've managed to get her to tag along on one squidding trip at 6 in the morning which I thought was pretty good of her, haha. I need to find some nice easy wharves for her, she wasn't at all keen on the rocks.

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