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Port Stephens Trip


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Hey raiders,

After missing the annual trailer boat tournament for the first time in 9 years due to the motor blowing up leaving us boatless my dad and I decided we had to organize a similar trip even if we couldn't make it to the tournament. We decided to do a 3 day trip up at Port Stephens and we didn't step foot off the boat for those whole 3 days haha.

The first day we headed up to Broughton island to look for some kings but had no luck at all. We downrigged huge slimys all around the sisters and over to north rock but didn't find any action so as sun set we made our way over to Esmeralda cove to sleep the night.

When we got up in the morning the intention was to head up the Edith Breakers but overnight the wind had blown right up and there was no way we were going up there in that slop so we decided to just stay around Broughton again and hit some reefs in hope of snapper. Well we had no trouble in finding fresh bait but still could nail a snapper of any decent size, all were pinkies.

Still after 2 days on the water with no decent fish in the bag our last hope for this trip was a night fish for jewies and with a tide change at 10:28pm and a 3% new moon the oods were in our favour.

We headed back down to the bay to stock up on squid and yakkas but could only find cuttlefish, 100's of them too they were just everywhere I put my jig but I couldn't find a single squid. We kept 4 cuttlefish just to see how they go, I've never caught anything on one before but thought we might aswell give them a shot.

We set up and put the anchor down just before sunset, a couple hours after the run in and wasn't really expecting much until the tide change. Well we were kept occupied with the usual sharks and rays on the rods with dead baits whilst the livies twitched away nervously down there then while my dad was on the phone his dead bait rod goes of so he tells me to pick it up thinking it would be another shark or ray so I grab it and start fighting it, the fight was deffinetly more intense but I still wasn't convinced it was a jewie due to the fact that it took a dirty piece of bonito cutlet that had been sitting in the mud but then I saw that distinctive silver shadow as it came to the surface. Yewwww! Wasn't expecting that, 13kg jewie!! It only takes one fish to make 2 days on the water worth it. With that in the bag we had a few beers, dozed of then got up in the morning for the drive back to Sydney.

Cheers, Prawn Star.




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Good work mate. Very envious as I haven't been able to get out for a while. There's been a few hammerhead in the bay and you've gotta love a port stephens jew!

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Did you fish the tournament this year scratchie? If so how was it

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Did you fish the tournament this year scratchie? If so how was it

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Yes mate, it was tough going. The Friday was the pick of the days, so we decided to head wide and chase marlin. Dropped 2 so was very disappointed. All fish were down in size on last year and Sunday was washed out. Still a great weekend though. Caught up with heaps of raiders and still managed a few nice fish!

Cheers scratchie!!!

P.s you at the wreck?

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Love your work prawn star!! That's a maaad report mate bet scratchie is cursing you about now hookin a jew like that at port[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106] love the name of your boat as well. Cheers spotiendotie!!

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