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A solution to stop your crab pots from being stolen


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Hi Everyone,

My name is Danny and I am an undergraduate engineer at the Australian National University. One of my courses this semester requires our group to develop an innovation.

Our team has decided to reduce and hopefully stop the theft of crabbing pots in Australia.

To accomplish this task, we must conduct market research to see if our proposed solution is viable.

In this sense, I am writing to everyone on this forum who has ever been crabbing, or more importantly, ever had their crab pots stolen to help and find a solution by filling out this short online survey.


The project proposed will benefit recreational crabbers mainly, as we believe this is where most of the stealing is occurring and the people who are out having fun, should not have to deal with theft and burglary.

Thank you for your time and MrsSwordFish has approved the link above for purely research. Also I have posted the same survey on other fishing forums, in the hope of gathering a widespread market analysis.



Edited by Sinkpots
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I've updated the post based on input from moderators (thank you).

If you know anyone who has lost pots or crabs from theft, please let them know their input will lead to a solution to prevent further theft and hopefully they are intrigued enough by our project to help us by filling out this survey.

Thanking this forum once again,


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When I used to set crab pots in the Georges River, I tied(well lightly pinned actually) condoms about a metre or two down the rope. Its actually quite funny when you see how fast people let the rope go when they get to that point. I used to be a civil engineer mate, and I wish my course had more hands on topics like coming up with something innovative. I would fill out your survey if your academics would not find it too offensive that I used to tie on frangers as my anti-theft device. Let me know if you require me to complete your survey

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without sounding too morbid, i know abloke who used to tie on hooks upside down straight onto the crab pot rope. That way anyone who 'accidentally' picked up their crab pot more often than not ended up with hooks in their little grubby fingers.

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will do buddy, ill jump on later tonight and fill it out for you. Good luck with your project.

SquidMarks - thats another good one, and probably abit more environmentally minded as condoms sometimes unpinned themsleves with the current, id say 1 out of every 30 or so

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When I used to set crab pots in the Georges River, I tied(well lightly pinned actually) condoms about a metre or two down the rope. Its actually quite funny when you see how fast people let the rope go when they get to that point. I used to be a civil engineer mate, and I wish my course had more hands on topics like coming up with something innovative. I would fill out your survey if your academics would not find it too offensive that I used to tie on frangers as my anti-theft device. Let me know if you require me to complete your survey

I think you've been fishing too long! There are better purposes for those things.

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