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Little arvo rock session!


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G'day raiders,

With the chronic weather all week and sporting plus family commitments yesterday, I managed to sneak out for a 2hr session with my little mate.

The swell was a bit washy but was looking really good and we were hoping for a couple of nice fish. We started to burley as the bait was defrosting and we were working out our plan of attack. With all sorted, I was chucking unweighted pillies and jnr was using prawns chasing some bait fish.

So after catching some reef fish between us, I get a solid take and up comes a nice panny snapper for the table. I managed a couple more but a bit small than I wanted and they were released. Jnr managed a couple of yakkas and slimies and after keeping our burley trail going and with light fading with were hopeful of a few more. Out goes the unweighted slimie fillets and bang I'm on zzzzz but it's a bit different fight and with some acrobatics up comes a nice sambo! A quick pic and returned to the drink!


I suggest to jnr to stop chasing bait fish, use the other rod and chuck out some unweighted baits, as he's rigging up I throw out again and bang zzzzzz this one goes bezerk and puts up a great fight and was of real decent size.



Jnr finally rigged up and tossed out, within seconds he was on and the reel screaming, yet another great fight and another big salmon landed which was also released. We continued for about another half hour and I got busted off by what I thought was a big snapper but with dinner calling it was time to go. For 2hrs fishing it was a great little session and great to finally get a line wet this week.

Thanks for reading,

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Nice one mate that ledge just keeps producing! how's the spheros handling the action? ?

Hey mate! It still hasn't seen any action but there's only 50 days until Darwin and just picked up my tickets. I'll be giving it a good workout up there.

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Hey mate! It still hasn't seen any action but there's only 50 days until Darwin and just picked up my tickets. I'll be giving it a good workout up there.

Awesome mate that's gonna be a cracker of a trip!
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Thanks Pete. The salmon are thick up here ATM off the stones. They put up a pretty good fight especially for my young boys!

Great sport they are, with all these large salmon, your young boys will be more than ready when they hook some kingies off the stones there.

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Sounds like a top sesh for 2 hours! You have to be pretty nifty to pull them from the rocks too, nice work.

Your right. We lose a few here or there. Especially the bigger ones. They don't school, they go the college and know where all the ledges are!

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