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A good few hours


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Hi Guys

Managed to start fishing at 9:30am on Saturday morning in the harbour (amazing what limiting the Friday post work beers can do).

I had a light surf rod out with a bigger bait on just in case and had the light spinning gear in a bit closer using squid and pilchards.

No bites for a while but then landed a good bream (37cm - looked a lot bigger at the time). Pretty tough negotiating the rocks but managed to get him up with my leader frayed to pieces.Soon after got a good trevally which i guess was around 30cm. A school of small ones came through and i got another 4 or 5. Those small ones are quite tricky to hook.

I got what i thought was another trevally bite but once hooked raced off with my line.

After a good 10 minutes of me jumping and running along the rocks to try and keep the fish out of all the submerged rocks it jumped (in front of 3 boats full of guys fishing) and i could see it was a good salmon. Unbelievably it didn't bust off and a neighbouring fisher lady saw the action and netted it for me otherwise i would never have laned it. Just an incredible fight and i was pretty happy to land it. I have caught tonnnes of them in NZ but it feels more of a challenge to get one in the harbour. Measured 60cm

Needless to say i got all the fish on the small rod which kept the heart in the mouth when you look at the rocky area i was fishing.

Hopefully might be a good summer season






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thanks guys

just using a simple running sinker rig and small cubes of pilchard (got the bream and salmon on pilly and all the trevally on squid). There are heaps of trevally around at the moment.

We got a few off Balmoral wharf the week before and i hooked a really big one that took me around 2 pylons and busted off. Felt really heavy.

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