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Sufferin Salmon Batman! 9/9

Bill S

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Well they have definitely arrived. I could have walked from Sydney's North Head to Quarantine on the backs of salmon :1yikes:

They are top fun on medium spin gear :fisher::biggrin2: and certainly a welcome sight after too long an absence.

Still suckers for 6" SlugGo stick baits though most of the other boats seemed to be sticking to metals or flies.

One dumb nuts trolled through the center of the school, but I suppose you have to expect that :wacko: .

The photo's below were hurriedly taken between fish but will give a good idea of the size of the school.

Cheers Bill





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Sorry about my dummy spit Bill. I feel better now. :biggrin2:

I was planning on getting out there tomorrow....but I lined up a late job, and I have to do it in the morning.

Looks like you had fun. :thumbup: What colour sluggo's were they taking, or was that not important?

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:yahoo: That school is enormous!

Hope they're still there tomorrow


Jinormous even :074: .

Yep it was a biggun, the fish were going nuts with three or four shouldering each other out of the way to reach the lure first.

Joe, I tried a few and came up with ice- black ice and alewife. A color called blue mackerel (?) proved the dud of the day.

Cheers Bill

Edited by Bill S
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A color called blue mackerel (?) proved the dud of the day.

Cheers Bill


GEEZ...I bought a few of them thinking the colours looked great! :074:

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i wish that they were in pittwater on friday,i searched for 3 hours from west reef to newport and not even a single bird circling just the usual dolphins.java script:emoticon(':05:')

i think ill be giving pittwater and surrounds a miss for a while as its as dead as.

me and jewel will be giving the sambos a hard time tomorrow so we'll seeyou out there.(and hopefully the sambos will be there unlike last sunday.) :thumbup::thumbup:

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