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Happy wife or angry wife?


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Hey Raiders,

Ok, firstly I better lay some background to who I am, and my solution to this very challenging real issue!

My name is Chris, I Loooooooooove fishing, and have done for the best part of 30 years.

I seriously go fishing as much as I can, which with a 9-5, 5 days a week job, Church on Sunday, really only leaves one day a week to go...Saturdays!

I am married, with a young one on the way, so things could possibly become even more challenging for me!

As I've said, Saturdays are my "fishing window", and if there is something else on, its a no go for me.

My wife is very good, she understands these constraints, and doesn't put too much pressure on me to be around on Saturdays.

The current understanding we have (which I'm sure you'll see is very generous on her part) is:

I fish 2 Saturdays out of every month unhindered by time constraints.

Another Saturday I fish, but am home in time for dinner and a night in or out.

Another Saturday I don't fish, and have the weekend at home, with my Wife.

That is a pretty good arrangement, for me, however...

The thing is as a Christian, a married man, someone who looooooooves fishing, who only gets limited time to go fishing, its all about being a man, a man of integrity, as Donna so rightly pointed out.

Our job as men is simple...Love our Woman!

As much as us men cannot fathom, the Women in our lives NEED our Love, which most likely equals time spent with us.

Whether that is to simply sit around at home, walk around the shops, maybe even get to go fishing together (which does happen!), the simple solution to this real issue which can shake the foundations of our relationships, is to simply to give her what she needs, love, her desire to spend time with you.

Love & Respect is the key!

I'll say it again, Love & Respect is the key!

If we as men love our wives unconditionally, she will respect us unconditionally, and will want to fulfil our needs, which as fisho's, time on the water will be high up on the list!

This is not a "I'll give this to get back scenario".

This is a give out of unconditional love, to which the natural response, is unconditional respect and ultimately it is a win win!

The thing we all need to understand is, Women are designed to receive love, and Men are designed to receive respect.

Women need love, and Men need respect.

Ask yourself, Man or Woman, and I think you'll find its true.

So the moral of all this is simple...

Men love your Woman, and she will give you the respect you deserve, without you even asking.

Women respect your Man, and he will keep giving you the Love you deserve, without you even asking.

Not because we feel obligated too, but because Loving our Women & Respecting our Men is how we have been created to be!

I can honestly say, myself, who couldn't bear the thought of a week without being on the water, has actually overcome those issues, and can say that I now happily spend time at home, with my Wife.

Happy in the knowledge that I am loving her, and giving her what she needs.

Whilst these principals will come naturally the more we practice them, it can be very challenging at first.

Trust me when I say, we've had our fair share of teething problems.

The good news is, the more you give this way of life a chance, you'll be amazed at how much it pours into your relationship.

You both will have your needs fulfilled, and ultimately, you reach a place where fishing, happiness in life through all things will come everyday.

Needless to say, your needs to be fishing will be met, among others, and you will have a richer relationship which can only be good!

Also, learning to tie your own flies or even making your own soft plastic/hard body lures is a great way to fill in "those times" when your not on the water!

I hope these insights help, and ultimately make life for the "fishing family" a happy place for all to be!

Thank you for sharing it with us, so true.

Feels like I just read a chapter from a bible

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Mullatt said; If your wife/partner is not into fishing, try spending time helping her to learn , teaching her stuff. Start off with the bait gathering.........that can be more exciting than the fishing sometimes.

Yep, that will do it, just imagine this conversation "just get those red crabs from under those cracks in the rocks dear, they don't bite, and this is how you use a nipper pump, what's up? your are getting a sore back? Now getting Bloodworms by digging in black mud with your hands is great fun, good for your painted nails as well and while we are at it how about putting some Mullet Gut on your hook, yes I know that it smells but that will go in time. Now about tonight when we get home and the kids are in bed?"

No, you are dreaming, it will never happen.



Yeah maybe dreaming Paikea, but was just hoping some of your wives/girlfriends may like to try something different out in the great outdoors!

Oh well, it was only a thought :1wallbash:

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Yesssssss eastwood - please get more mrs into it.

Mullatt I admire you for suggesting that members spend time to teach wives or g/f's to fish. Lets face it, its not rocket science.

Swordie is a very lucky man his other half made him this website called fishraider. I initially thought some women would come on here and we could do things like have social tourneys men against women but it will never happen :(

Cmon ladies join up :) don't be afraid :)

Yeah I knew I'd probably upset a lot of the men fishos out there, but what the heck, its worked for me and obviously for you & mr swordie :D

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Sometimes you just can't get the wife/girlfriend into fishing and its not always because they are adverse to the outdoors etc.

My wife is a pretty tough spider catchin' winter swimmin' ladder climbing, cold weather campin', gutter cleanin' kind of a girl but fishing is just not her thing.

She knows she would spoil my fishing if she came along and I know I would spoil her folk club or line dancing night (ew!) out so we save each other the pain and spend out time together doing the things we both like equally... this morning it was an early morning swim and breakfast on the harbour.

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I am very fortunate because I love my wife dearly and she loves me too. I am retired and she is still working. So this is how it works. RESPECT. Always consider your partners needs and they will do likewise. Marriage is about sharing and respecting each others needs. There is no room for selfishness in a good marriage. So I try really hard to accommodate my wifes needs and she allows me to go fishing whenever I want...outside of the times where we're doing things together. More than reasonable, I think. Big Neil.

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I am very fortunate because I love my wife dearly and she loves me too. I am retired and she is still working. So this is how it works. RESPECT. Always consider your partners needs and they will do likewise. Marriage is about sharing and respecting each others needs. There is no room for selfishness in a good marriage. So I try really hard to accommodate my wifes needs and she allows me to go fishing whenever I want...outside of the times where we're doing things together. More than reasonable, I think. Big Neil.

Nicely said Neil :clapping:

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