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Bream in the Surf


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I haven't been fishing for a while due to illness and a lot of commitments but on the weekend, 12 of us booked a house right on the beach at Wamberal, so I threw a couple of beach rods in the car just in case. I haven't fished the beach in ages, so it was good to get my toes in the sand.

I tried Saturday morning without luck. The tide was running out and the surf conditions made it difficult to fish. The afternoon high tide was around 4pm. I would have liked it closer to dusk, even if it would interfere with "happy hour"... However, a cracker of a storm around then and lightning and fishing rods on an open beach don't mix, so I sat inside and watched the storm. Amazing!

When the storm passed, the surf looked a little more fishable so I wandered down and soaked a beach worm in a gutter just down form the house. Result was a decent bream at 39cm. It was good to break the dry spell!

That's all I managed for the weekend, fishing only an hour or so each morning and evening session... but I found it very satisfying to get my toes in the sand and the spray in my face!



A full double rainbow from Wamberal Head to almost the Skillion after the storm:




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Edited by Berleyguts
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Good stuff bazza! Haven't heard much from you lately so I'm glad you got to wet a line! Nice bream. :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Thanks Jeff. Yes, would you believe this was the first time I've wet a line since we were up at Port in May?! :( The last time we were in Port was for settlement on our duplex at Shoal Bay 2 months ago - my wife and I climbed Mt Tomaree to take in the view... when we came down, I had a strange imbalance in pressure in my ears. I have had constant ringing/crickets/tinnitus in my right ear ever since and lost most of the hearing in that ear for about a week. The hearing has now improved but the tinnitus is still 24/7 and is driving me nuts. So, fishing has been on the back burner while I've been focussing on that (and earning brownie points with the missus... ;) ) She is away in Singapore for 10 days, so I might sneak a couple of trips in while I can! Hope to get up to Port again soon!

Decent? 39cm bream ranks higher than decent in my books. Well done.

Well done

As mentioned by Luderick hunter, a 39cm bream in my books is a great fish

Great catch

I'm sure you had a great time even though you got only the one fish

Cheers thefisherman6784

Yeah, I only just realised that ANSA trophy length for a yellowfin bream is 40cm, so I was only just shy. It was deceptive as the fish was a little on the lean side, weighing on at only 780g. I often find the surf caught bream can be leaner than the rock or estuary caught counterparts - I guess they have to work harder for a feed! I had to work hard for the fish - pity the same doesn't work for me! lol

Nice bream mate have to agree even a fish less session on the beach is good for the soul haha !

Yeah, I agree, there's something about fishing a beach that is good for the soul!


Edited by Berleyguts
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