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Post stephens- it happens to us all.


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G'day raiders,

I don't know where to start as I never put up a report like this before............

Well, it went something like this. A fellow raider and mate Dom, calls early in the week and says "I'm coming up and we're going to seal rocks on Friday-Saturday. I said, hmmm I can't do Friday but let's see what I can work our for Saturday. So I organised the day off, called him back. We had a general chat about whats being going on up here but the big plan was seals.

So on the Friday, whilst at work I give him a call to see how him and his mate are going and I was surprise to find out his boat had lost all electrics and had to opt for plan B to wait for a boat mechanic. Well what a decision that was. The next thing was me getting a photo text of this....


Now, i'm pumped for tomorrow and the end of today can't come soon enough in my eyes. So off to bed, alarm set for 330 and i'm sure I beat the alarm by half an hour. I awake to find it raining and the wind howling at about 20kts. Oh well, I know Dom and if it's not a hurricane, where going!

So, we set off from soldiers point and cruise towards the heads and have a quick bash for some kings before we go collect some bait. No kings to play with today but bait was easy to come by. We filled the tank, (managed a nice 40cm snapper- released) and set off but our plans of seal rocks were quickly diminished as the wind and swell were shocking. So broughton island it was. Having fished this area for many years I was still confident of some line peeling action.

So we pick a few spots out of the wind best we could and started throwing sp's and always drifting a livey or two behind us.

This is pretty much where the story starts and ends. We didn't catch a bloody thing to write home about despite a 14hr marathon session, with 3 reasonably experienced fishos, all the fresh and live bait available to the area, more plastics on board than needed to remould Michael Jackson and we still didn't pick up a fish for the table.

You may say did you try this or that, but tbh, the only thing we didn't try was a stick of dynamite! For the record these were the tactics we used..... Live bait, dead bait, fresh squid and slimies, sp's (changed shape, size and colour a million times) trolled, stick baited, poppers, down rigged, unweighted baits, burleyed. We also anchored and drifted areas that I've caught some great fish many a time. In fact, we went to every mark I have for broughton Island but to no avail.

So, to sum things up was it a waste of time???..........never! Just makes me want to head up there this arvo in much better conditions than yesterday and it goes to show that it happens to us all. You can know the area, have the right equipment, be at the right place at the right time, with the best bait you can get and still not get a decent fish.

Thanks for reading and I hope I don't have to put up another report like this for some time!

Cheers scratchie!!!

(For the record, we did catch about 100 different fish but all rubbish)

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Same thing happened to me this weekend Friday I was seeing reports of 1m plus kings being caught near sydney heads got live bait on the exact same spots sat there for hours tried every thing I had nothing moved around like crazy all that I got was one pinkie and one undersized flathead on a plastic

Happens to us all but it's what bring me back

Cheers sydneyfisher12

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I hit Collaroy beach last night for Jewies and boy did I get my arms stretched.

Unfortunately it was by spending all night hauling in clumps of weed large enough to pull drag off my reel on outgoing waves (when I couldn't pull line off at that setting). I would get about 10 minutes of fishing in each time I moved before the weed found me again. Just one of those nights.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Bad luck Scratchie.

You threw back a pan sized reddie, that's why I always keep the first fish caught, in case there is nothing else !!!

Have had a crap day like yourself, but I would head home after a few hours. You would expect something for 14 hours :mad3:

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Happened to me last night also mate, perfectly size yakkas to be used as live bait for jews, only lasted 1 hour session due to catching two huge pike eels. Damn what an ugly fish and annoying also. I estimate the largest being 1.1m. But like everyone says keeps us going back and makes that catch of a lifetime even more special.

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Thank you for your responses.

I went off the stones near my house today, just to restore faith. In one hour, 2 snapper, 2 salmon and got busted by something that thought 20lb was dental floss.

Now, I've sat back and analysed yesterday and I'm still sort of in shock, however. There was extreme amounts of bait and bait balls everywhere but we did not catch a single bonito. This part of nsw is reknown for bonnies and we didn't hook a single one. Ok, last time I had a poor day like this a few years back was the same scenario, no bonnies!

I think that with the lack of presence from the bonito, there is too much bait and options for the dominant predators to be interested in.

Just my observations that's all.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Or! maybe it was not your day to catch fish? Who knows, once again that is the mystic fishing. An imperfect science which allows the people like me to have the same chance as the professionals. Anyway great to hear that the fishing gods have smiled upon you today.



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Or! maybe it was not your day to catch fish? Who knows, once again that is the mystic fishing. An imperfect science which allows the people like me to have the same chance as the professionals. Anyway great to hear that the fishing gods have smiled upon you today.



Cheers Geoff. I think your 100% right. Wasn't my day but let's not let it happen again!

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I was up at Salamander bay last weekend and planned to go out with my bro on Saturday. Up at 3.30am, wind howling and pissing down so went back to bed.

Glad I did now Scratchie.

Weather cleared up around lunch so took the kids and wives out for a great day on the water.

Magic part of the world.

Will be up there this Christmas for a few weeks might catch up.



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I was up at Salamander bay last weekend and planned to go out with my bro on Saturday. Up at 3.30am, wind howling and pissing down so went back to bed.

Glad I did now Scratchie.

Weather cleared up around lunch so took the kids and wives out for a great day on the water.

Magic part of the world.

Will be up there this Christmas for a few weeks might catch up.



By any chance did you drive down to the ramp at 430-5, and then turn around???

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Thank you for your responses.

I went off the stones near my house today, just to restore faith. In one hour, 2 snapper, 2 salmon and got busted by something that thought 20lb was dental floss.

Now, I've sat back and analysed yesterday and I'm still sort of in shock, however. There was extreme amounts of bait and bait balls everywhere but we did not catch a single bonito. This part of nsw is reknown for bonnies and we didn't hook a single one. Ok, last time I had a poor day like this a few years back was the same scenario, no bonnies!

I think that with the lack of presence from the bonito, there is too much bait and options for the dominant predators to be interested in.

Just my observations that's all.

Cheers scratchie!!!

Couldn't resist it.... just had to get the scale out and check the breaking strain of dental floss.

Johnson & Johnson waxed dental floss ( bugger to tie a knot in but good knot strength) has a breaking strain of 1.2 kg.

Wont be swapping braid for it in a hurry.



Edited by fragmeister
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