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My first Jew!


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So after countless night beach sessions hunting the elusive silver ghost and only finding salmon, sharks and trevs you can imagine the excitement when my rod buckled over and the fight was on.

It was a nice Sunday before the storms hit Sydney on a daily basis.. I was out watching a friends sailing race on the harbour in his boat.

We grabbed a spare mooring point near the mouth of the lane cove river and setup to relax watching the race go by. Me being the opportunist knew it was a great time to wet a line..

Armed with some large servo frozen prawns I dropped my line in. Straight away my little bream outfit sienna 2500 was screaming away... After a few good runs up came a nice trevally of about 35cm. After a quick snap and a few grunts back he went..

My friend now wanted to wet a line too so I gave him that rod and whipped out the snapper outfit with a 4500 sienna .
After a few small pinkies, my rod buckled, but this time the fish instantly put some heat on my drag and bent the rod nicely.. zzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzz. It's the best sound you can hear with your clothes on... I tightened up the drag a little and kept up the 'pump & wind'... Every time I got the fish close to the boat and almost in sight.. zzzzzzzzzzz back to the deeps she went. Head shakes and strong pulling power. What is this??

After countless decent runs and a few profanities out of my mouth from pure excitement, that amazing silver colour showed. I quickly "bear grills style" grabbed the fish and in the boat it came.. I finally did it. Caught that elusive Jew! Not a monster but still gave a great fight. Measured just shy of legal, but either way this one was going back in the drink.

Question for all the seasoned Jew hunters.. I've heard before that they have a bit of smell to them... Now that I've experienced it first hand, I would say something close to Pike? After my first whiff I made a quick decision to handle it with a rag :mfr_lol: What is your 2c on their odor?


Edited by Marky Wants to Fish
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Congrats on your first Jew! The odour they emit is certainly one you don't forget. It fact, some of my mates think I'm crazy but I can smell them when they are schooling around. If you do a search we have had previous posts on this.

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Thanks Guys. Still smiling. Can't wait to crack the meter mark now... Only a matter of time no doubt.

Just found the Jewfish Smell topic that Paikea started.. Interseting read!

It's funny we are talking about this, I was at Chinamans beach recently and there was a very destinctive fishy "odor" on the beach, I was pretty sure something had washed up dead.... but after reading that thread, maybe there was a school of jews swimming through the eddy at the end of the beach..

I can only imagine the look on peoples face when I walk up and down the beach sniffing the air...

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nice work on the Jew mate[emoji106] first one is a rememerable one. I'm with scratchie and rockhoppa. addicted to the scent of Jews and spot on scratchie you defently can smell when they are around.mmmm love it.lol. congrats spotiendotie !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Congrats on your first Jew! The odour they emit is certainly one you don't forget. It fact, some of my mates think I'm crazy but I can smell them when they are schooling around. If you do a search we have had previous posts on this.

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Not the first time I have heard that Scratchie.

A few old timers I used to fish with many years ago reckoned they could smell them off the beach and more often than not when they could we would catch a few.

One of them reckoned the Jewies used their own smell to attract beach worms!

Well done Marky on the first Jewie... I am sure there will be lots more.



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Thanks guys! Really appreciate all the kind words.

I've read everyone's reports almost weekly for a while now, and always got excited to see someone get a cracker Jew. Namely OutdoorDan got me hooked on the idea of catching one...It was awesome to finally bag my first!

I think everyone is getting a little crazy about the smell :mfr_lol: ......Lets be honest it bloody stinks! I'm going to say you're linking the stench to the excitement of the catch.. essentially letting your brain create an attraction to the endorphins released when catching that cracker fish...

Outstanding Marky, In broad daylight too. First of many I hope. Do you still have that ugly stick/Penn combo i sold you? That would handle a good metre+ fish.

Humesy I certainly do mate, I've caught many-a-fish on that rod, including my pb Flatty, although with the big lb line it was more of a skull dragathon than a fair fight.. I've got a few decent setups now and look forward to a few boating trips to land some elbow slappers and bigger.

Tight lines guys. Can't wait for the weekend! :fishing1:

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Here is previous thread


Jim, the old timers right. Exactly what I said.

Mark, I've put this link in so other raiders can read on the question you posed.

Once again, congrats on your first Jew! :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Thanks Scratchie, it was an interesting read for sure. I wonder if jew heads are good burley or shark bait(due to the unique stench)...?

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