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Kyeemagh Landbased


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went for a spin at kyeemagh near the airport with only a handfull of chicken strips and 3 dead yakkas....threw in 2 rods with yakka strips on and one with a decent chunk of chicken....after about 10 minutes of enjoying the sun and singing along to funky cold madina the rod with the chicken went off and after an ok fight i landed this 37cm to the fork PB bream :1yikes: (picture to be scanned and posted soon)nuthin else happened until some guy showed up with really light tackle and 3" brown berkleys...he had a huge trevally on within a few casts so i tried for my first sp catch but lucked out :thumbdown: i might go back and try tomorrow :thumbup:

the bream cooked up a treat stuffed with breadcrumbs and herbs, covered in butter and salt then baked for 30 mins....

what a great afternoon with a pb while watching airplanes takeoff and land



Edited by paggles
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cheers brett

i went back today with some 4"gulp worms in watermelon colour but its gonna take some getting used to....i dont think im working the sp properly but ill get one :biggrin2:


p.s.ill post the bream pic soon.........


I feel your pain Pags, I went and threw some plastics around Yowie bay Marina tonight tried squidgee no3 fish in black gold and jelly prawn No 2 wriggler in blood worm and killer tomato and 3" berkley minniw in pink tried jigging tried slow retrieves, fast retrieves lifting the rod tip and letting it sink and just winding the slack out of the line and retrieving it that way and nada zilch zero not so much as a tap :ranting2:

Gotta be some magic bloody secret to this plastic thing that I don't know about. I didn't take any bait with me so maybe the fish just weren't on the bite. Oh well I'll just keep perservering I suppose :wacko:

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I feel your pain Pags, I went and threw some plastics around Yowie bay Marina tonight tried squidgee no3 fish in black gold and jelly prawn No 2 wriggler in blood worm and killer tomato and 3" berkley minniw in pink tried jigging tried slow retrieves, fast retrieves lifting the rod tip and letting it sink and just winding the slack out of the line and retrieving it that way and nada zilch zero not so much as a tap :ranting2:

Gotta be some magic bloody secret to this plastic thing that I don't know about. I didn't take any bait with me so maybe the fish just weren't on the bite. Oh well I'll just keep perservering I suppose :wacko:


no secret guys ,when the water warms do exactly what you are doing the fish will come just use 4 or 6lb fireline a graphite rod and 6 lb leader all your wishes will be granted :1yikes:

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congrats on the bream, mate i dont think there is a secret, just a little practice although i have seen on various fishing shows they dip the tail in some attractant i think called goop  :unsure: .

Good luck


So how many of you plastics experts use attractants? and what do you reckon is the best



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I havent done much in the way of using plastics not until i can afford a proper rod and reel setup till then im sticking to bait but i have heard stimulates which have garlic and aniseed work realy well, ive seen one product called Spike it - dip and glow unfortunatly i dont know how well they work. :1prop:

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I use stimulate spray with fleck for SP's and the cheapy Big Johns from BigW for enhancing fish baits.

Do they work?

I don't know because who's to know I wouldn't have caught that fish without it. :1prop:

I guess when you catch a fish whilst using scents it gives you more confidence but other than that I don't know. :biggrin2:



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As Pedro and Stewie pointed out, its a hard time of the year to be catching fish, so don't worry if you're struggling at the moment, as spring kicks in the fish will come. As for attractants, I like to use Mr Goops Garlic scent, it's a thick paste that lasts for quite a while. I put some on the jighead itself, and a little on the exposed part of the hook. I find the spray-on Stimulate to not last too long on the lure, and use the Goops regularly now. The other one that a lot of guys like is MegaStrike. Both MegaStrike and Mr Goops are pretty expensive though! Whether they actually catch more fish or not is debatable, but from what I have seen it can make a difference, and can't hurt.



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Cheers guys...it was a thumper, it even did the old "im gonna hide in the rocks" trick, best fight ive had in a while :biggrin2: ill have that pic soon

as of those :ranting2: sp's, ive now tried squidgies in 2" & 3", berkley power minnows in that pearl colour, a sp nipper, and gulp 4" power worms in watermelon........i guess ill just keep trying and wait for the weather to warm up :thumbup:

the gulps smell like fish oil....i was thinking of dipping them in some fish or tuna oil :1prop:


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First things first..you'll find that the practice your doing now will help you heaps when the fish start chewin properly.. The sqidgy's your using now are fine but I find the smaller the better when it somes to bream in particular (gold and green have done me well) (65-85mm). The best sp for bream however that takes the cake in all departments is the humble 3inch bass minnow. Many a fish will be caught on this fella (now in red yellow and of course the classic green) give these fellas a go and hopefully change your luck. Another problem may be your technique. Be careful not to quicken up in a retrive. Give you lure a couple of lifts (or one jig and then let it settle for a second or two on the bottom and repeat). Every now and then just leave it there on the bottom for and while and the bream will come to you (after the lures initial action of dropping down). Also, if the fish is biting your lure, don't strike to early, hold your own and wait to feel a bit of weight (as with sps the fish will keep on coming back for more). At the moment however, if the fish arn't bitting, practice (for later) dropping that cast as close as you can to the shore line (very close..). After all this effort there's bound to be a result followed by even more great fishing. Also feel confident about your spots whether there oyster encrusted pilons, warfs/mariners, rocky drop offs, or oyster farms :thumbup: , stay strong!

As for the scent issue, like the other guys, I think its pretty hard to tell, but you'll be fine without it. Most to all the packets are scented anyway and if the scent was to hang around it would already be doing soo. If ya worried, don't worry about these expensive gells but dunk the fella back into the packet he came out of. I also think that sp's are great and that the feel/touch, look and action have already convinced the fish befor they give it a smell. And who knows, maybe scent is a double edged sword and detracts the fish from the lure?

Stay with it, sp's are great and will work for ya..

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As a one time skeptic of sp's i can honestly say that they work real good... real real good in fact. As everybody on this thread has alluded to keep going. Once you get the first others will follow and usually at a greater rate. I still remember the first fish on sp's and it was an addictive event. Since then many others have followed and i still get just as excited as the first.

Beats waiting around hoping for a bite...

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