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Holidays Rock! Hacking Monday and the bay Wednesday.


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I had the week to myself so I planned on a few trips for the week.

Monday the 5th I fished the hacking with a mate Steve. Starting at Greys point about 6 we headed off. The wind was up a little so we picked a spot around LillyPilly. We noticed bust ups over the flats and some diving birds and decided to investigate. They were quickly moving around so after throwing a few metals we decided to anchor up near a drop off.

We burlied up and Steve quickly landed a keeper bream. Shortly after I had a good take and some strong runs before boating a 63cm king. A great buzz for my first fishing trip in the new boat! In the next hour or so we landed another 3 from 55 cm no legals and a couple of bust offs so they all went back. We also had a couple of bite offs on floating rigs I'm guessing tailor.

As the tide reached full things slowed down before my line got hit again. A bigger fish that ran hard stripping my braid quickly. I tightened the drag some but wish I'd gone harder on the 20lb line and soon enough the 150 yards were gone and I was at the backing. I thumbed the spool and the inevitable pop shortly followed. Shattered and excited all at once! I'd like to replay that minute or so and do it different, another learning experience anyway. Bait was pilchard and prawns. With the rats taking pilchard pieces and 1 on Hawkesbury prawn, with lots of tiny baitfish all over the area.

The rest of our trip slowed down, with another keeper bream landed by Steve. So we headed home pretty content with a fun day.

Wednesday the the 7th I fished the bay alone. Collected a few yakkas and a rat cruised by as I did, the tiny bait fish were near the surface and the yakkas down deep. I headed off down the coast. My first spot was half way down but I wasn't very confident with my spot so I moved on, slow trolling a yakka on the way back.

Ended up anchoring near Henry's head. Dropped one yakka down deep and floated another under a balloon, put out a pilly piece on a lightly weighted rig. My balloon separated so I picked up the rod and I was on. A few strong runs and some back and forth I was pretty confident with 50lb braid and 60 leader. Then pop, I was swearing another fish lost! The leader was sheared through so I'm guessing maybe a small shark. I seem to lose a lot of fish under balloons or floaters.

Shortly after I landed two more rat kings one on pilchard another on the livey.

Things quietened down once more so I headed off. I trolled across Yarra bay for zero and headed home for an early day.

I was going to fish Friday but spent the day on the water with the nieces instead to finish off a pretty good week.

Edited by welst
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Great Report. good to see you are taking advantage of the weather. Also being entertained with plenty of action.

Highlight of your report was the fact you named where you fished. It is always good to know you are not at just your favourite spot.

As stated in previous post With good info.

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