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Narrabeen lagoon -15th February - am


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Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been meaning to start writing up my trips for a while, but frankly I've been lazy. However, today I had a bit of success and want to have a bit of a brag, so I'll use this as a platform from which to start posting more often.

Racked up some brownie points yesterday so was granted a pass to go fishing this morning. I made the decision to hit narabeen lagoon, which I haven't fished before. With my usual partner, Longfish, away for the weekend, it was a solo session.

Got to the ramp about 6 and launched the kayak, just after low tide. Lovely morning, very little wind, and the sun had just started to come up. Not really knowing where to start, I had a flick around the weed beds nearby my launch ramp. Plenty of baitfish around, but no dice. I then headed round to the little island (don't know the name, sorry) and saw a lot of activity. Within 20 minutes I'd picked up a few bream around 20 cm and a teeny tiny flathead. Then people started throwing lines from the bank, so I buggered off.

Spent the next hour or so trying for bream along the banks, but no joy.

I consulted the fishraider guide for the lagoon and paddled over toward the caravan park, with a quick pitstop on the way and a flick which produced some chopper tailor.

Found myself near the corner and had a guess that I was over a hole because of the way the water moves. Started flicking my plastic around and pretty soon the rod tip went over. I was fishing a 2-4k rod and a little 1000 with a 6 pound leader, so when it decided to run, I let it and kept the drag relatively loose. Towed me around for a bit, until it tired and then I started to bring it up. Near the yak, I see a long shape with stripes. Flatty, and a good one. But she then decided she was going for another run, so off we went for another couple of minutes. Finally I got her up by the side of the yak and was terrified of her shaking the jig head because it was only a little 1\32. In went the lip grips and she shook, but by that point it was over.

She came in at 75, which is a pb for me by quite a way. A bloke came over on a paddle board to have a look and said I was shaking, haha.

After that, flicked about in the same area but with no joy. Slowly fished my way back to the ramp with only one small tailor to speak of, but I didn't care because of the big girl from earlier.

All in all, a good morning. Do really need to hit the lagoon early though, because it gets stupidly busy... Every swim was taken on the shore, yaks and boats everywhere... Surprised there are any fish left in there!


Edited by Razzell
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Great stuff razzell. And welcome from behind the scene. It always good to post up your outings regardless of the results as it helps other fishos that venture where you have been. Congrats on a great fish and your pb. And thanks for sharing with us all.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Great first time report man, congratulations on the PB! What plastics were you using?

We'll I normally use zman grubs, gulp 3 inch minnows, and a few others, but we had some little paddle tailed things hanging around that I don't know what brand or anything they are... They're about 3 inches long, brown on top and silver on bottom. No shape to them, they're just cylindrical with a paddle tail. I've had some success with them on fatties before, so they're now a pretty firm favourite with me!

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Awesome work mate very nice first report and that's a cracker of a flatty!

We've got the same yak I think :) how you liking it?

Also how do you manage the loading unloading process? They're not the lightest [emoji14]

Keep the reports coming!

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nice fish, I fish it pretty often but have stopped as its mayhem down there atm. There are some big girls in there. You are in the right area for sure, the bream hang around the yellow marker in the afternoon and also under the bridge. The second island is a good spot as there are a few nice drop offs and you can only fish them but boat or yak,

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