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ANSA Nowra Comp


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I fished the sport fishing comp run my Nowra club on the weekend.

On the fri arvo managed 2 salmon around 2kg on 1 plus a flattie 1.4kg on 1

This put me in the lead in th estuary section on fri. Sat I had my crew on strike (can't beat him to the rods anyway). After a tense battle that saw us up anchor and chase his fish over a submerged breakwall very close to an anchored boat over the sand bar in the middle of the river and then most of the way to Greenwell Point I finally managed to net his fish. He was excited and I was very relieved to have it in the boat. A salmon of 2.2kg does not sound very big but when you're fishing with1 kg line it is a feat particularly when its you're first ever salmon and even more so when you're only 5.

His fish would be entered in the junior or sub junior section so I was still leading estuary until 5.30 pm when someone hooked in their boat and landed in my boat a big big flattie on a live poddy supplied by me. We actually had a triple hookup with the other flatties only around 45 cm.

Decisions had to be made on the spot so we decided to take the flattie to the weigh in as it would be a sure winner.

We also decided we had to release the fish.

We were only 2 mins from the ramp and another 10 mins to go weigh the fish and have it back in the water. The big esky was emptied and filled with water by the deck wash hose another pump was put into the esky which recycled the water let it splash down for aeration. The esky was overflowing and the bilge pump was flat out trying to keep up with the amount of water pumped into the boat.

With an extra 100kgs of water at the back of the boat it handled a bit different and was heavier to winch out.

Towed the boat and fish to the weigh station carefully got a very angry fish out of its new home, carefully weighed it horizontally took it back to the river and released a very healthy big flattie

to the applause of bystanders on the wharf. The fish was caught by another Raider so need him to do a report with photos and weight etc.

Didn't fish again on sat but we were out again on sun morning.

We still had a few livies and first 2 casts produced 50 cm flatties then quiet so we moved.

My crew member's little brother didn't have a fish to weigh and after a battle with a salmon he finally landed a 1.5 kg salmon on 2 to take out the sub junior section which is not bad for a 3year old.

Sorry for the long story we had a great weekend we nearly all won a trophy and our club were overall winners of the interclub comp


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Your boat, with various crew, also managed to catch 40 plus keeping sized fish over the weekend. A mixture of flathead, bream and salmon, (kept about half). The shoalhaven is a very productive system especially when you consider its still commercial fishedand has heavy recreational fishing pressure.

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