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ProgressThis post is for the benefit of any new members that have not seen, or know about what I am doing.

With the federal elections just around the corner, I thought I would do something about our declining fish stocks, and the general poor condition that our fishery has declined to!

To that end, I have put my hand up as a candidate for The Fishing Party. I am running in the Greenway Electorate, whis is basically Blacktown.

The Fishing Party is not solely about fishing. We are also looking at increasing access to National Parks and other places that the general public has been locked out of. There are a raft of issues that The Fishing Party is addressing by lobbying the government, both on state and federal level. If you would like to read more, then you can find a lot of reading material at THIS LINK! This will give you a run down of what The Fishing Party is involved with.

If you want to see my previous posts, then go to the following links.

Federal election Candidate

Press release

Help requested.

This post is basically a blatant attempt to rally some help, and financial support.

I know that everyone of you has priorities, and certain commitments. But look at this as a way to keep our fishing and our fishing rights.

And I know that perhaps you would rather spend your money on tackle. But if things continue unabated, then you will not need tackle as there will be nothing to catch, or you won't be allowed to catch them!

So Please...If you can afford the time...Come out and help! And if you can afford to donate a few dollars, please do so. Every cent will count.

If you think this request ISN'T on the level, I can assure you it is. Any monies that I collect as donations have to be recorded and submitted in a financial decleration to the AEC. So there is no chance of me pocketing the money!

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While I personally don't have a problem with this idea, I fail to see how it relates to fishing.

I personally dont see what this thread has to do with LURE CHAT.

There is a subsection in this Forum named Politics and this forum would be far better off if all political threads and topics were kept where they belong

Politics galvanises some and segregates others and if Ken, you have the vision for this webiste "to become the leading Australian online fishing resource" becoming so openly a mouthpiece for TFP, it just wont happen.

All i ask is to keep the politics to where it is appropriate and then we wont be ambushed by it in a unrelated subsection. You have to realise whilst we are all bought together by our mutual love for fishing doesnt necessarily mean we all have mutual political views and beliefs

NOTE Dont in anyway take this as a blight on what JOE is trying to do as i applaud the passion, the effort, including his own time any money, that he and others put in.

Edited by Mike.L
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Whether we like it or not, the threats to our recreational fishing, ie green zones, marine park zones etc are politically motivated, not based on credible scientific research. Well researched & implemented, long term sustainability issues are what we as rec fisho have to aspire too as far as changes to the system. Unless we are prepared to enter the political arena, (as this is where the decisions are made) we might as well keep out head up our a*rse & just whinge. And yes, this is probaly the wrong section on this site, but this is where the replies are, so I'll stick my 2 bob here :D

I don't agree with the Fishing party wishing to expand to other policies. (yes I'm a member, QLD, # 494, and have voiced my concerns, it's run by a credible bunch of commited fisho's, of which I know several of them, I can't speak of the southern area's, never met them. ). A single issue party should never hope to be in gov't. I wouldn't want them to either, as there are far more issues at stake running a country than just fishing.

An ideal outcome would be to hold a few seats, preferably in the senate, (you can still vote state or federally which ever way you please). the democrats & greens in senate have proved this in the past. When votes are needed by the gov't of the day for major issues, then they pamper to them. That's the main reason we are in this never ending spiral of no fishing zones lately. A watered down version of the democrats (scary) coastal zone policy, is slowly being implemented, as part of the trade off in them conceding to pass the GST several yrs ago.

Now if we had a couple of seats, they'd have to pamper to us. Like it or not, that is where the decisions are made, not on internet chat boards. :D

Here it is, (you dont have to read the whole lot, just para 4)

The Coastal Zone

Policy Code - P6C; Official Australian Democrat Policy - January 1988, as verified December 1988.


1. The coastal zone is a scarce resource extremely sensitive to disturbance, and therefore represents a fragile environment. The Democrats will ensure that the causes of degradation are closely monitored and are discouraged, the main contributors being urbanisation, recreational activities, sand-mining and pollution. A major survey will be initiated to determine the appropriate management of the coastal zone affected by disturbance.

2. The Democrats fully support and will therefore seek to implement the recommendations of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation report on Coastal Management, 1980, in full co-operation with the Sate and Federal Governments. Subsequently, a Coastal Zone Research Sub Committee will be established to initiate, supervise and be responsible for research into coastal management problems directly through Commonwealth funding to State University and other appropriate organisation.

3. The dedication of marine reserves will be given priority by the Democrats. This end will be sought by similar methods as outlined in the House of Representatives Coastal Management Report: that is, the establishment of a National, co-ordinating body to oversee the management and dedication of marine reserves.

4. The Democrats believe that the entire coast line of Australia needs to be, in the long term, declared a conservation/recreation park.

5. Surveys will be carried out to locate and document sites of biological, geological, hydrological, historical and aesthetic value. Specific areas include coastal wetlands (mangrove forests, saltmarsh/sea grass communities) and seabird and turtle rookeries. Areas so defined as being of State or National importance shall be designated Heritage Coasts.

6. An evaluation will be made of coastal development potential allowing rational usage of the coast whilst natural resources are maintained, and restored where degraded.

7. Financial incentives will be provided for owners to vacate their properties on the coastline.

8. The development of canal estates will be banned.

9. The location of roads and highways along the coast can be damaging to steep coasts subject to land slip, and to dunes subject to sand drift. Sensible alternative locations will be evaluated. Coasts should preferably be linked to carriageways by footpaths and the like.

10. All structures, excluding those of historic significance, will where feasible and/or necessary, be removed from public beaches and headlands. Structures related to navigation, such as lighthouses, and those providing basis day visitor facilities, such as toilet blocks and life saving clubs, will be located beyond the foredune, be unobtrusive and have a minimum impact of wildlife and flora.

11. Planning and development of all structures and facilities along the coast will take into account passible movement of the shoreline by natural forces.

12. An active programme of eradication of the Boneseed and Bitou Bush will be given high priority.

13. A Coastal Hazards Insurance Scheme will be established, whereby property owners in erosion or flood prone areas may either pay a premium or undertake to bear the cost of the hazard at private expense.

14. A Democrat government will limit and control all mining and quarrying in coastal regions, especially the extraction of mineral sands from coastal dunes which would be phased out over five years. The Democrats will cancel all sand mining leases in National Parks, and areas to be designated as Heritage Coasts.

15. Where mining and quarrying are presently permitted, the companies concerned will be required to lodge with a conservation authority sufficient funds to pay for the rehabilitation of the coastal landscape to agreed standards, and provide through an insurance company a guaranteed bond maintained against inflation.

Edited by Barry Mundi
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Mike L there are numerous posts around the site to generate a bit of support for one of our members. Within a short time now people are aware of them they will be moved to the appropriate forum. I don't think having this post here for 24 hours does anyone any harm.

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Barry Mundi you are spot on. Senate seats are the go, if you believe a single issue party is actually beneficial to fishing. I'm sounding like a broken record but I believe professional lobbying would be far more effective than a single issue party. That's what the commercial fishing sector does, and does very well. While I'm here, can anyone tell me what, if any money, the recreatinal fishing industry puts into lobbying/politicking. How much does Shimano's importers put into rec fishing lobbying. How much does say Quintrex put into rec fishing politics? Have rec fishing lobbyists contacted caravan park/tourist associations for input?

Cheers Bombie

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That would be Ideal Bombie, bloody hard to compete with the pro's though, they are all willing to put their hand in their pocket, as they have some big $$ involved. The rec fisho's are a wide, disjointed, largely apathetic community, if there was ever an organistation to get wide spread support (and a few dollars), we would be a force to be reckoned with on the lobbying front.

As far as industry support, the QLD guys are starting to get it, the recent non scientifc, politically motivated GBRMPA re zoning has hit us hard.

Edited by Barry Mundi
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Bassifier I respect your opinion and everyone has the right to give theirs. I also understand the the reasoning for not wanting to get too involved. BUT, anyone who is not willing to become part of the solution is in my mind part of the problem.The reason fishing in general has the potential to be threatened is because everyone wants to take ,but no one wants to give. I still know heaps of people who refuse to get a fishing licence saying "why should I have to pay for that"

Its like anything that is worthwile, good or usefull, if your going to take from it you have to give something back or it will dissappear. Kinda like your bank account.

If we wish to keep fishing as easy to do as it is, and also have good fish stocks we MUST give something back. If People like Joe can give up his time to take this on on OUR behalf the least we can do is support him and TFP, otherwise dont use the resorce. Even if your political views are different from TFP you can still support the cause in other ways.

I think everyone on this site would be getting their fair share of use out of this recource and should be happy to show some kind of support to anyone out their fighting for its survival.

I was happy to give Jo some financial support because I believe it is a worthwile investment in something that I use regularly, I couldnt give much but ive contibuted and done my bit. Everyone here should do the same. Thats just my opinion.


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Hey Swoff,

By other ways I mean financial. Its what makes the world at the end of the day. The good thing is you can give as much or as little as you like, whenever you like,theres no inconvenience in doing so, doesnt take up your time and most importantly its 'a contribution'

The thing is there is NO-ONE else out there fighting to look after fishing. Look at the support and power the Greens now have. Its because enviromentalists are all doing their bit.

I have never met Jo but I like what he has to say. He seems genuine in his effort to protect fishing. Thats good enough for me.

I fully understand that supporting the ACTUAL FISHING PARTY by way of finance isnt everyones go and I respect that, infact I support the Libs but dont give them a donation! :ohyeh: I just believe its the easiest way to help.

I suppose other ways to help are to activelly catch and release, and release spawning females and generally having a 'conserve for the future type' mentality. There is still alot of anglers who keep too much. These people can contribute by taking less. Too easy.

If your not shy ,have a go at all those idiots you see at public wharves taking home 10 or 20 15cm Bream. Or if you are shy ring the Fisheries and dob em in.They are afer all breaking the law and are PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Heres another for some - fish with lures and plastics every now and again :ohyeh:

Its not a matter of one person doing alot, its a matter of a lot of people doing a little.


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Like a lot of things Swoff its goverment controlled at the end of the day, and the only real way to protect recreational fishing is to support the particular parties saying that they will protect it. Whether they do or not remains to be seen but what else is there ? :confusuion: Ultimately the government of the day is going to make the decisions and weve got to put people in the room to voice the opinion of fisho's.

I agree fully that its important to check out ALL TFP policies but who else is there ?

Maybe Jo can give us some insight into what the average fisho can do to protect recreational fishing, other than voting for TFP. It would seem alot of people like the philosify but are hesitant to get too involved in politics which is fair enough.

My only other suggestion is to partition bad decisions. Let the Fisheries know what you think.Its no good yelling unless someone there to yell at. If someone makes a decision that affects me I write em a friggen letter to let them know what I think.

Maybe we should use the 'POLL' a bit more hwere and if we dont like something as a group, stand up and let em know.

Cheers :beer:

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Well it's certainly opened up the conversation and I think there are some great dicussions coming out of it to make people start thinking about a whole barrage of things

And I would like to say that we must keep personal attacks out of this at all times and discuss the points openly and honestly

We have managed to do this so far but I thought I would make it a bit more clearer

Cheers all


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Firstly let me thank all the people on here for their support. I mean everyone! Debating the topic is important. It allows everyone to get their views across. And will help those that didn't have strong views either way, cement their way of thinking. It doesn't matter if you support The Fishing Party, or if you don't. Its just great to be able to get a bunch of Fisho's talking, and more importantly thinking about it.

I would also like to thank everyone that has pledged their time, and/or money for my campaign. I knew from the outset that I couldn't do it on my own, and you guys haven't dissapointed! :thumbsup:

Bombie...You are right about the lobby groups. The pro's definately are more organised. But like Barry said, they are organised through necessity. They rely on it for their living. To that end, The Fishing Party has been actively seeking support from AFTA (Australian Fishing Tackle Association) to get involved with this issue. And they are persuing other avenues such as the BIA and the major boating manufacturers. Unfortunately it is a slow process, but it is forging ahead.

Insofar as Senate seats re concerned, TFP has 2 Senate candidates.

Swoffa..If you want to know more about what TFP is doing, and what it is about I can send you a copy of some documents for you to look at. You have to look at the big picture mate. We all enjoy and love our fishing...and yes some days we think its getting better. But their are forces at work that the general public aren't privvy too...or dont bother knowing about it! And Barry has shown some of those forces with that report he posted. We need to be informed as Rec Fishos of what tact everyone is taking. And then be active in getting your view heard. TFP is the perfect vehicle for getting that view across. With the support of the people TFP is trying to represent, I think TFP can be a very cohesive and productive lobby group!

And to all the dis-believers out there! You are all entitled to your opinions. But you must realise that our fishery, weather it be for bream or beakies, is a very finite and fragile resource. Do you think that dumping raw sewrage into the Hawksebury is an acceptable method of looking after the fishery? Or perhaps allowing a foreign weed eat our waterways?

I know I come across as very aggresive on this subject, and I make no apolagise for that. If it means I have to get a few guys riled to get them to think about the big picture, or even better, support me, then I have done OK!

I feel very passionately about my fishing. Im not that good at it...but I love it nonetheless. I want to be able to take my kids fishing, and not have to worry about not catching fish. I want to be able to enjoy some fishing time with my Grandkids in the future. (Way, way in the future!)

And no...Its not just about fishing. There are a raft of other issues that TFP is involved in! Such as retaining access to National Parks which the Greens want to deny everyone access to! Who amongst you loves to drive their 4WD on the beach? That could end. What about campsites? Do we have enough?

There is a lot to think about. And I'm sure that sanity will prevail...eventually! But we may not have the time to wait for sanity to show its head!

Sorry for being long winded. But I hope you can see my point of view at least.

Oh and Swoffa...Thanks for this gem mate!

I've met Joe a bunch of times, and he's a top bloke.


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G'day Jo and everyone.

If fishing tackle manufacturers/importers, the boating industry etc are only now being approached for financial support for rec fishing lobbying, or if the same industries/companies have not done so til now off their own bat, then I find that absolutely astounding and very very sad. Very very sad. I stand to be corrected, but if this is true then it is pathetic and I can think of little excuse apart from possibly not having faith in rec fishing representative bodies (or pure short sighted greed by people who have made good bucks through fishing). Thinking about it makes me so angry.

As far as not being able to compete with commercial fishing lobbying cause they have the dollars, well, I can think of several surveys etc which put the value of rec fishing at many many tens of millions of dollars.

There is a snippet of a story in one of the latest fishing mags on the market where the comparative worth of striped marlin caught by commercial fishers is compared to the dollar value of striped marlin caught or C and R'd by rec fishers. Basically rec fishing striped marlin is worth many millions more a year to NSW than commericial fishing of striped marlin. This is just ONE fish in ONE state. If that money is floating across all levels of rec fishing , PUT SOME OF IT INTO effective political lobbying at both federal and State levels.

I am still unconvinced by single issue parties, even fishing ones. After more than 20 years involvment in media and politics at highest levels and being involved in or reporting/editing any number of emotive political/social issues and how results are achieved, laws changed etc, I still believe LOBBYING conected with intelligent use of personalities loyal to the cause is by far the best course of action.

One little example of how the pros do it, which I've mentioned before on another site. Only a small thing but they all add up; several months ago one of those spats about rec V pro fishing erupted in NSW. Can't remember the details of the particular fight. Wouldn't you know it, but NSW's top talk back radio host Alan Jones on his show the next morning devoted a good five minutes basically spruiking the poor, brave man against the sea pros and slagging rec fishers. Now Alan is many things :D but a passionate ocean person he is not. I would hazard to guess the switched on pro lobbyists know what makes alan tick contacted him and it worked: a sizeable audience got the Jones diatribe on rec v pro fishing.

One small thing which MIGHT be in the favour of a rec fishing party this federal election; several very respected political reporters and commentators think independent candidates might do very well because of widespread disillusion with the major parties.

The passion and commitment of the people involved in The Fishing Party is brilliant, but sad to say I trully think you are on the wrong course.

(PPS; ANother thing I've mentined before but wil say again; I wouldn't be highlighting pure C and R to non-fishers during any campaigning. City living media pundits, commentators, pollies etc etc can understand and applaud keeping a couple for the plate and letting the rest go. They view pure C and R as nothing but annoying, hurting fish for no good reason)

Sorry for the length of this gibberfest but I share everyone's frustration at the attacks on rec fishing and the almost daily diminishing of our right to wet a line.

Chers Bombie

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I share everyone's frustration at the attacks on rec fishing and the almost daily diminishing of our right to wet a line.

Chers Bombie

And that my friends is the crux of it all!!!!

Our rights to fish are being diminished right before our eyes! :(

Bombie, you make a very valid point about the industry pundits not yet being involved. They have never had a group of rec fishos that could be walk the walk and talk the talk. A lot of people are interested in lining their pockets and nothing else!

And then some others just don't want get involved for fear of pissing someone of. It is politically a lot safer to sit on the fence than take a stand. And unfortunately in todays financial climate, it could be the downfall of a outboard company for example if it sided with fishos, yets its core group of customers were to be skiers who don't care too much for the fishos. So they just don't take a stand!

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Iain, mate stay on your soap box ! I think we need people to get the point across in this issue. I agree with everything you and Bombie have said. I think it needs to remain an active topic for a while to get everyone thinking so full support can be rallied.You dont need to be an experienced angler to support the cause, and its great when the more experienced anglers and high profile people on this forum stand up and speak. Hopefully this will educate the inexperienced so they can join in and see the business side of rec. fishing. Keep soapboxing :D:D

I for one am learning heaps off you guys and you've given me an insight into an area I didnt know alot about, but being an active fisho (like many others) really should know.

Cheers :beer:

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I have to agree. Until now i just fished and enjoyed it. Sometimes i would read in the paper that certain things were changing, licences, buying back pro licences etc but never really bothered to look at the bigger picture, just happy fishing and lamenting how things were back in the good old days.

What you are doing Joe, and others, i think is fantastic and whilst i know i couldnt or wouldnt even if i could get as involved as you are i guess its about time i stood up, took some notice and maybe even had a say.

I have just sent an email to our QLD sub branch and will see what their agenda is and at least then i can make an educated decision.


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Mike..Good for you mate. And more power to you for trying at least to see the big picture! That is all I could ask of anyone. See what it is all about, and then make up your mind which side of the fence you want to be on. Cos sitting on the fence is bound to be a pain in the ass! :thumbsup:

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I would like to take the time to thank all you guys that have supported me and my cause, with donations, promises of help or even just words of encouragement.

Its not just about me...its bigger than that. Its about doing something that will affect every single person that likes to go fishing, weather it be daily, or once every 2 years. Don't for a minute think that it won't affect you!

I have just been looking through some other posts and came across another imprtant issue. That of our dying fish stocks that no one seems to be doing anything about. I posted on there, and I will post the same thing here.....


Im not gunna let them win! Not the Greens, not the Democrats, not anyone that wants to make life harder for a Rec Fisho, and his pursuit of fish!

I wont lay down for any of em! If I can't do anything during election time, I'm going to keep at it!

I am sick to death of all the doom and gloom surrounding fishing!

I am sick to death of the Government being so irresponsible with our natural resource!

I am sick to death of hearing that their are more important issues!

I am sick to death of this bloody toothless tiger we have called the EPA and the DPI!

KEN....bring back that emoticon for giving someone the BIRD! I need it right now to show you guys how I feel about all these lame ass wannabe's that think they know better than us!

AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! :-mad2 :-mad2 :-mad2 :-mad2

Get involved....Do something...anything.

If these issues aren't specifically in your area, then look around...find the issues that are relevant to us...and get involved!

I know there are bigger issues...Education, Health, Law and order...and so on and so forth. But lets not lose sight of the other issues! The smaller ones. Because if we do, we will lose those resources forever.

The bigger issues tend to get sorted one way or another, but the smaler ones can not be allowed to fall between the cracks!


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