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Hawkesbury 26/3/15


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Hi All,

Scored a Thursday off and decided to head over to the Hawkesbury for something different. (usually fish Port Hacking) Tried to catch the run-out tide to pick up some Flatties off Patonga Beach but we were a bit late. Still managed a 2 keeper Flatties, 2 Whiting, and a Blue Swimmer. Tide changed and all went quiet. dropped my mate off to grab some fish and chips from Patonga and just relaxed in the boat. Threw in a soft plastic while i was tidying up a bit and realised the rod was bent over. Big flattie that was barely hooked got off at the boat - no biggie as it was over 70cm and i would've released it anyway. (wasn't even going to tell my mate as he'd never believe me, but i had back-up from a kayaker!) Anyhow, dropped the same plastic back in and continued moving eskies etc to make room for lunch. my mate was hading back to the wharf so i started the boat to collect him and my fish and chips! Bang, another good Flattie. This time landed and on ice, 50cm. Had lunch and the drifting didn't produce anything over the 30 mins we ate. Decided to troll around the Island and within 20 metres had a double hook-up of Bonito. Threw one back kept one for bait. Trolled again and ended up hooking another 8 or so in 30 mins. I was getting over it (yes i know....) and then we hit a school of Tailor and a double hook up. The two fish were carrying on and jumping like crazy. Got both on board and measured 50cm and 47cm. I know not huge but my PB Tailor at 50cm. Another troll in the same spot and another big Tailor, with it's last jump spat the hook. Much more fun than the Bonnies. Anyway all in all a great day out, plenty of sun no wind and fun fishing, I can't ask for more than that. Well maybe I can... There was one more hook up while trolling and this thing was taking line heavily - not a Tailor and not a Bonito from the strength and line it was taking. Any ideas on what it might have been? I'm thinking Kingie or Shark? I got the lure back by the way so it may have been barely hooked. Anyone reckon it was a decent Kingie?? Thanks!

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That's a very good day out.

A lot of different species to fill the esky.

Patonga does produce big flatties, but I recently heard Pearl Beach is holding more than a few.

Bad luck on the biggie, but like you said it was going to be released.

As for the mystery fish, it could have been a king, amberjack, big sambo or a tuna.

I doubt a shark.

Well done. Great report.


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Cheers, it was a good day I have to say. Trolling was good fun. I didn't think a big tuna would be hanging around the island? It definitely ran like one. The other thing i thought was maybe a really really big bonnie? Thanks for the tip on Pearl Beach might try it next week.

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Sadly, I don't think you can 'call it' for anything as the range of fish are amazing around there and this year, it all sorts from big sambos to cobias included amongst the 'usual' kingfish or if it was simply taking line, the faithful shovel nose are in abundance... Just imagine your dream fish and call it for that!

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