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Time for a crack from Narrabeen beach


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Hi All

After a few weeks trying Narrabeen lake, looks like I am hooked and think it's time for a crack at NARRABEEN beach.

Thanks to the advice, had maybe ten trips out into the lake in the waders and picked up maybe a dozen flathead on SPs, best at 42cm. 8 on one trip but that's fishing. Have tried HBs a few times, however not sure the technique is there with the floating type, never got a nibble.

Have the late old man's beach rod and reel, time to put some line, leader and tackle on there to have a go.

Any suggestions on line etc?Anyone head out to Narrabeen beach regularly? I travel a lot for work but would be great to head out and chat over a few cold ones.

Hope everyone had a productive long weekend, amazed at the amount of info in the forums, it's a credit to you all for first time fishers like me..

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Guest 4myson

Depends on what your chasing , Bream / whiting no bigger than 10lb other species at least 20lb . Hope this helps ....

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Yeah that's spot on, to get worms I just get a small holed net and some pillies ( but anything oily and fishy will work) and wash it through the top of the waves as it washes out ( if that makes sense ) and you will see them poke their heads up. Then grab a small piece of pilchard and hand feed them, everyone has a different technique but I slide my thumb under their belly into the sand and then slowly close the length of index finger around their back then hold them as I get my other hand under to pull them up. If you do it really slowly and smoothly they will let you have a good go at them, as soon as you rush it and snatch at them they are gone. I was taught that by pestering a bloke up at Byron haha but it took me another 3/4 of solid failure until I got one. Once you get one you won't forget. Hope this helps goodluck

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Thanks guys, looking forward to it sometime next week. 4myson I assume that's the leader, what main line do you use? Thinking of going braid?

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I happily fish braid of the beach, with only the odd wind knot. But as long as you always reel the line on tight you'll be fine. Knots really only happen when you start spooling loose braid.

But the general thought is always braid is horrid off the sand, so maybe load up with mono if you're concerned

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I use braid off the beach too and like it but only get windknots when using lures and casting into wind that cases the line to slacken too much. With weighted bait fishing I like the sensitivity and better casting and spool capacity from it.

For lures ofd the beach I am considering going back to mono

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SgtBundy. When using lures just keep that tension on the line. If i have masses of slack like you describe, i just hold the line against the rod blank and reel in the slack. Just helps stop those loose loops forming. And if you see any loops that are abnormal, pull them off by hand.

But i agree about the sensitivity and capacity. Plus you have so much more control

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Guest 4myson

Thanks guys, looking forward to it sometime next week. 4myson I assume that's the leader, what main line do you use? Thinking of going braid?

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I never fish braid off beaches , if there's weed around you'll spend forever trying to untangle it from the weed & you'll just end up losing handfuls of it & decent braid ain't cheap . What line I recommended before is what I use as main line , I like carrying two reel spools with me always 1 spooled with 10lb mono & the other with 20lb mono & depends on what I'm targeting I'll just swap the spools across . If I'm targeting Jews of the beach I'll fish the 20lb mono spool with 40 lb leader .
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SgtBundy. When using lures just keep that tension on the line. If i have masses of slack like you describe, i just hold the line against the rod blank and reel in the slack. Just helps stop those loose loops forming. And if you see any loops that are abnormal, pull them off by hand.

But i agree about the sensitivity and capacity. Plus you have so much more control

Yeah - I have learned to better control that now in the way you suggest but every now and then I still get an issue - possibly due to poor lay of the line when I filled the spool. My main surf rod with 50lb Fins has been solid after a few early windknot issues, but mostly with lures. I usually just use it for heavier bait fishing now and I can't recall the last time I had a windknot with it and I have never had a tangle just from surf fishing - weed yes, it find that fairly well, but never from surf action alone. I was also warned about abrasion due to sand but that does not seem to have been an issue as far as I can tell.

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From the lake near the car park there are plenty of yabbies!!! Get a pump out

I've always been using 10lb braided lines for beach fishing. This allows me further casting. Got few issues of tangles but never been big deal. You can always bring another spool or reel with mono if too much weeds. But usually when it happens I just go fish the lake instead of reeling in the weeds...

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Edited by quochuy
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Thanks for the tips, as a novice went with mono. Had a great time, just a running ball sinker but tried the paternoster as well. Only the noster pulled in a couple of tailor, no tape measure but they seemed small.

Was up northern end of Narrabeen for an hour before sunrise and nothing until 30 mins after sunrise, maybe it was changing the rig.

Why I wanted this long I don't know.

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