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Cracking Day Out!


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Hey Raiders!

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to get an invite from Steve (NaCIH2OK9- hope I got that right!) for a trip out on his boat down Cronulla way. The weather was shocking at the time and we had to postpone for a week or two, but we managed to organise a session today and man, what a session it was!

Launched from Gunnamatta at 8 or so and set up for a drift a few kilometres out. Steve immediately proved himself to be a great mentor for a boat newb like me and showed me a whole heap of things that I'll try to remember, including how to tie a paternoster rig from scratch and an FG knot. But not before he managed to land a PB flattie on one of the very first drifts, which went at a very nice 68 cm and was released- congratulations again mate!


We tried drifting around a few more spots a little further east, including one of the reefs, which didn't produce much, and eventually moved back onto the flats for a few more little flatties. After a little while, Steve suggested we try trolling for a bit. He showed me the technique- let the lures out and reminded me,"If a fish strikes, remember to reel in the free lure first to get it out of the way, then deal with the hook up." Lo and behold, what happens on the first troll? We get a hook on a fish and I immediately dive for the buckling rod- doh!!! Eventually I sorted myself out. A bit of bumping and grinding later and up comes my first ever bonito.


After a few more trolls to the south, we come up with a few more bonnies as well as a mac tuna (another new species for me). One particular moment had me reeling in one lure to get it out the way during a hook up, only for a bonnie to shoot out of nowhere and grab it- Arrrrrgh!!! Two fish on two rods and Steve steering the boat! He, very cool-headedly told me to relax and just do my best and after a bit of a struggle I reeled in another bonnie followed by a mac tuna. Phew!

The skies started to darken a wee bit after lunchtime, so we moved into the Hacking system to try trolling for some tailor. Sure enough, after a wee while, we hook up on a decent fish. A bit of a struggle and up comes my first legal tailor- a PB which I really struggled to get into the net- they really fight quite nicely once they start to get bigger.


A little while later and we decided to call it a day. Went back to Steve's to clean the boat and he gives me loads of tips about filleting and storing fish- legend!

Cheers again for a really, REALLY enjoyable day out man and teaching me a heap of stuff. It was great to meet another raider and get into some decent fish!!!

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Awesome report guys and good on you Steve for taking a fellow raider on board. It's always rewarding to take a newbie and for them to get many firsts! One thing when trolling, if your picking up bonnies or tailor ect, and get a double hook up, you don't really need to drive the boat. Put it in neutral and both have a go! Definitely a different story trolling for big game.

Great stuff guys!!! :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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No worries Adam. It was nice to be able to pass on a few things that others have shared with me.

Scratchie. The sea was too bumpy and we were too close to the rocks not keep the pointy end where I wanted. I helped unhook one of the fish and we were quickly side on to a challenging wave.

It was also way too amusing looking at Adams face when rod 2 just carried on running!!! ;)

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Guest no one

Great guys!

Adam - you'll be hooked on the peligic fishing now. Steves a great guy and awesome to have on a boat...

Trolling (in my opinion) is the most exciting way to fish! There's nothing quite like watching those rods buckle!

Happy you had a great day

Good onya Steve!

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No worries Adam. It was nice to be able to pass on a few things that others have shared with me.

Scratchie. The sea was too bumpy and we were too close to the rocks not keep the pointy end where I wanted. I helped unhook one of the fish and we were quickly side on to a challenging wave.

It was also way too amusing looking at Adams face when rod 2 just carried on running!!! ;)

I thought that might be the case Steve. It would have been great to watch his facial expressions!

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Guest 4myson

Well done adamski on all your new species & a BIG Congrats to Steve for putting you on the fish & showing someone a great time out !!

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Steve has been nominated for a Mentor badge by our mod team (nbdshroom)

Thanks Pete for the nomination and well deserved too Steve :clapping:

Very well-deserved. Sorry, I meant to put in a message to Donna or Stewie. Congratulations Steve!

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