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G'day Raiders

I went out this Saturday for what was probably my last fishing session in a month, or two, or more ?

Baby is due any day this week and I'm on standby until further notice.

I'm expecting that I won't be able to get back on the water until late May and maybe even June

So the questions are

- do I have any hope of fishing in the next 6 months or am being too optimistic :) I'm going to be a first time dad so I have no clue

- what fish are best to target that time of year and,

- what water systems produce best ( many opinions of course)

One thing I've really wanted to do is practise my squiding technique because I can't catch squid to save my life haha. Perhaps an experienced squid fisho would be kind enough to take me out and show me the ropes, if that time of year is good for it.

Thanks :)

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Guest no one

I became a first time dad 3 months ago...

Everyone leading up told me "aww don't expect to play soccer again" "Awww you better sell your boat before it gathers dust"

F@&$ off!!

The important thing about being a parent is that you get you time as well, yeah the wife can go off and have her girls days and breakfasts sure, but that doesn't mean the father busts his ass at work all day, comes home and takes over kid duty to then spend all weekend changing nappies and wiping butts.

My wife is amazing, she understands how hard I work to keep us in a great house and keep her driving a nice car - that being said she appreciates how much I need Ed time. I go fishing and play soccer most weekends. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not allowed you time!

Tuna, salmon, tailor... Go outside and find them!

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Congrats on the expectation. Sorry I can't help with the squid. I struggle myself.

Obviously there are a lot of unknowns here. How quick mum feels well. How fast bub starts settling ect. But it is important for both parents to try and get a little 'me' time just to try and break the routine of it all being new baby. I'd suggest ( just like you have suggested. Squidding ) something you can hit for a couple of hours at a time. Sorry I don't know your particular passion. If your an sp fan your probably laughing. If you a marlin maniac you may have your work cut out.

Good luck.

Edit typo

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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As a dad to a 3yr old and a 1 yr old this is what I can tell you. Your wife and child will mostly want to sleep leaving you plenty of time to cook, clean and mabey fish. In the first 6 months your child will only want mum, so you should have plenty of spare time. That been said the fish ain't going anywhere but your child will only be small for a very short time. My son caught his first fish all on his own a few weeks ago and my daughter will be one on Wednesday, I honestly don't know where the time went. All been said I go fishing atleast once a week with my son and wouldn't have it any other way

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Tef1on has hit it on the head, exactly what people said and did to me yet none come true I still have everything of mine and still do plenty of fun stuff,the other guys are correct also..

Enjoy your time to your self, but also be there for mum n bub, the more you enjoy this time and bond the better it will be for you as bub grows..

That's just my opinion, my Bub turned 1 a week ago, my only issues is the misses loves fishing as much as me so it's hard to get time to fish my self..

Enjoy this time, be patient have fun as it is a great time

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Thanks for the feedback gents, sounds like there is hope :)

That's some very wise feedback and I thank you all for your advice and kind words.

I guess it really comes down to being flexible and making sure I meet the obligations as dad but also make time for myself.

I do most of my fishing between 5am and 12pm and I'm home most of the time before 1pm so I think that will work in my favour and make things a little eAsier.

I will of course still be on FR reading reports in the next weeks ( whilst simultaneously drooling at the mouth haha)

Good luck to all

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Guest 4myson

Congratulations to you & your Misses , & I hope everything goes o.k . Being a father of 3 I can honestly tell you that when that day comes You'll forget about everything else Cars/bikes/boats & Fishing (for a couple of days anyway) , But with that being said "There's nothing better than having a fish with your kid " I'm blessed that all my kids love fishing including my misses . They'll be plenty of time to wet a line & until you get out there again mate We'll try & keep you updated with what's goin on or not goin on on the water . Keep us posted of when your best cacth ( Baby ) comes along .....

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Interesting gents!!!

I can give you the mum's point of view.

The first baby is wonderous and initially you are just trying to come to terms with this new being. From the moment you wake you are thinking about the baby and feeding, nurturing and bonding.

I went back to work after 6 weeks on weekends and my husband (1st one) had to take on the duties. He was not a fisherman but he coached kids football teams. The kids mother's loved looking after my first daughter when he was doing coaching duties and they marvelled at him changing nappies and getting bottles ready.

It is amazing how your attitude changes. We were both party animals with an open house most weekends. We spent 9 years travelling. The baby was born and we actually did not want to do that anymore. We did not miss it.

There is time later to get back into whatever. We took Vanessa travelling through Asia when she was 4 and had a ball.

Fishing - it is lucky that this can be done quickly and for a few hours just to appease the lust! This is an activity that you can all do together later on. That is really the secret to it all. Make sure that you do plenty with your family together whatever it is. Yes, time out is important but make sure that is not all that you do or you may end up a lonely old fisho!!

Stewy and I (with the help of many others) have also created fishraider so people can look at what they are missing out on temporarily.

Let us all know when this newest raider enters the world :thumbup:

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Im part parent to an 8 month old, We have her every second weekend and her dad takes her the others.

We're land based which makes the ordeal a little easier, but we still get out on occasion with the little bonsai, we just throw her in a pram, pack some bottles and bring a few toys. If she gets restless we throw out a picnic rug and she has a crawl around. We both get to go out and fish, albeit its a little noisier and we have to pay less attention to the rods and more to the little human.

On weekends we don't have bonsai, we get out for full day sessions :sun:

If my missus wasn't a keen fisher, I'd be able to duck out for a few hours once a week or once a fortnight to drop a line in - I'd prefer to have the company though really... although she can't outfish me if she isnt there... hmm.

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As a father of 4 children of various ages, for me it all comes down to time management! I work full time shift work, coach rugby league, cook, clean and attend all school functions. My kids are pretty talented in sport too which adds to a hectic week. But I always manage to get out there and spend time doing what I enjoy most.

I live by the saying, "there's plenty of time to sleep when your dead" and "your dead a long time"

Good luck with the new addition to your family Sam. And I hope you find that balance!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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