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Studying the Marine Radio Operators Handbook


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Hi All,

Well i thought it was about time to get rid of the 27MHz and move on to a VHF radio in the boat so my nose has been in the books for the last couple of days in preparation for the test.

In reading the book though i have come across to page 4 which states:


Syllabi for the two certificates and the satellite endorsement are shown in Appendix 1 of this handbook. Examination questions will primarily be based on symbolised sections as follows:

a) Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Proficiency (MROVCP) ◆
B) Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP) •


Then, throughout the booklet, there are setions marked with the designated symbols "" and ""

I will be going for the MROCP license.

Does this mean i should be mainly focusing on remembering those sections marked with a ""?

Im guessing people who have completed the test in the past should be able to chime in here..

thanks! :fishing1:

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Read it all and do the review questions to practice


Have a read here https://www.amc.edu.au/sites/default/files/00050%20Autumn%202015%20for%20web_0.pdf

AWQ - Australian Waters Qualification might suit some

A new qualification—The Australian Waters Qualification (AWQ) has just been introduced. This new qualification is suitable for marine radio users who operate VHF marine radios in Australian Territorial Waters only. (Australian Territorial Waters are defined as all waters up to 12 nautical miles from the Australian coastline.)

Good Luck lots of us have it as we did classes a few years ago with groups of raiders ;)

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i believe the MROVCP is the lesser of the two courses (MROVCP only allows the use of VHF radio where as MROCP allows VHF and and MF/HF radio use)

in any case, i want the whole shebang.

Time to get reading! thanks roadrunner!

Beep Beep!

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The MROVCP is indeed the lesser then the MROCP. Did the test last week. I prepared for the MROVCP, but the Invigilator only had MROCP with him. I did occasionally have a look at those questions too.

I doubt you'll find an invigilator that lets you do the MROVCP only.

With a pass quote of 70%, and 50 questions, you potentially could have 15 wrong an still pass. I got 5 wrong. 3 about the MF/HF frequencies. 1 about the Message you give when there's a man overboard.

The hardest part for me was remembering what are the working channels, dsc channels, ship-to-ship, ..... even worse in the MROCP.

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Donna and I both have the MROCP Licence and for Donna it was no mean feat as she had never ever used a boat radio in her life and she passed with flying colours.

Study hard and you will pass.......... don't study and you will FAIL

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Study hard and you will pass.......... don't study and you will FAIL

Agree. If you don't study at all, you will fail. Once you have a good pass quote ( 90% ) on the mock up questions, you'll be fine.

I did listen in on Channel 16 while fishing, and the form you hear is rubbish. You wonder if those guys did even read once the manual.

So listening to channel 16 is NOT HELPING !!

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