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Disposing old flares


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I know there are a few older posts about this but just wanted to confirm. I have some old flares to dispose of (I know I could always take them to a soccer game! [emoji3]) I'm sure I read I can drop them off at the nearest police station, is this correct? Or do I have to take them to the Roads and Maritime at Engadine?


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Can you quote where it says?

I'm happy to be corrected but have only ever read that you must have an in date set.


"Most flares have a use-by date of three years and they must be replaced before the expiry date. Penalties apply."

I might have misread this, as in "Penalties applies if you have expired flares" instead of "Penalties applies if your ( the only one aboard ) flares are expired"

This might be clearer


"After the expiry date on a flare is past they are an unauthorised explosive. Once expired the flares must be handed in to a police station, where they will be collected"

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Ok. So I called maritime and asked. What a stupid conversation.

This is slightly cut down.

Q, is it illegal to carry expired flares on a boat ( I also have legal set)

A, no I don't think we have a legislation for that but let me ask the boating officer.

A, boating officer says no legislation so as long as they are not over 12 months out ok.

Q, why 12 months? Where is it documented?

A, I don't believe it is

Q, so if it is not documented as legislation. It's not legislation and there is no penalty

A, that would be down to maritime police to decide if they wanted to prosecute you.

Q, prosecute me for what? I have not breached and legislation

A, that would be down to maritime police to decide if they wanted to prosecute you.

The conversation sort of run out of steam there.


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Thanks for sharing that Salty. Alas it further reinforces my belief that these "authority figures" are wishy washy in their decision making. They used to be indecisive, now they're not so sure. I have some very old flares but don't know where to take them.

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Ok. So I called maritime and asked. What a stupid conversation.

This is slightly cut down.

Q, is it illegal to carry expired flares on a boat ( I also have legal set)

A, no I don't think we have a legislation for that but let me ask the boating officer.

A, boating officer says no legislation so as long as they are not over 12 months out ok.

Q, why 12 months? Where is it documented?

A, I don't believe it is

Q, so if it is not documented as legislation. It's not legislation and there is no penalty

A, that would be down to maritime police to decide if they wanted to prosecute you.

Q, prosecute me for what? I have not breached and legislation

A, that would be down to maritime police to decide if they wanted to prosecute you.

The conversation sort of run out of steam there.


Remind me one day to tell you conversations I have had when getting equipment tested to be approved....

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It's great that you've referenced this mate. And not being pedantic. But it's a SA website so may not be applicable in NSW.

In other threads I came across, some said that NSW "reccomends" keeping some "spare" old one in the boat.

Some of the threads were 8 years stale. And nothing found in the boating brochure for 2015.

I'll keep only 2 sets, the one not expired and the one that just expired. Older one's will be disposed as recommended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, isn't it just so typical - the people charged with enforcing the law (and could prosecute us) do not understand the actual legislation. From my experience, of over 40 years of boating, flares do not become more dangerous or volatile or unstable with age, in fact it is the reverse. They deteriorate and may not be effective. So carry a set of in-date flares and your previous pack as a back-up. They will not suddenly explode and may be the ones that get you rescued.

Edited by Twinfisher 4.9
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