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Barrenjoey flatties


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I was at the ramp a few weeks ago after a slow day and noticed a lot of flathead frames at the cleaning table - a bit of asking around resulted in a trip today off Lion Island. 15 good flathead - all legal and most over 50cm, the largest 2 went 65. We kept 9, returned the others and left them biting.

Bait was squid and Yakkas caught at West Head, patanosta rig with two 6/0 circle hooks.


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can i ask, with the squid i cant catch them if my life depends on it. Whats the best store bought squid to use either tackle shop squid which dont look too great usually or seafood shop squid where the quality is definatley better but i dont know where they are from and what species to use calamari or squid australian or overseas. I live near hornsby where do the local guys around here buy there squid from

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Roba, squid are easy to catch in the Hawkesbury area. Find a quite bay and start jigging. We just start at the bottom and jig and raise 3 winds. Works for us as long as you have a good squid jig. We have caught decent squid at the mouth of The Basin.

Fresh bait can be bought at Chatswood fishing shop. Not sure what is closer to Hornsby.

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