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Ocean swimming: afraid of sharks?


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Found this interesting a few years ago the gps tagged a number of bull sharks caught in Sydney harbour. Surprised at how long one in particular stayed west of the spit bridge.


They're always there, just got to respect you're in their house!

Never stopped me swimming either in the ocean or harbour...I just won't swim in certain places like Bantry bay as it's where they come to breed.

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Yeah, I guess they will always be about when you are swimming.

Hope I'll have gotten over it by the time summer rolls around - makes sense to not let it spoil my fun but I still think I won't ever see the ocean the same way again!

Might have to stick the netted beaches.. or just harden up.

Interesting videos on the girl swimming with great whites vs. the bull shark having a go at the leg of an expert.

Creepy. But beautiful creatures nonetheless. I was over at Sydney Aquarium yesterday morning in the shark viewing tunnels. Pretty hypnotising to just watch observe the big ones swimming around the tank. You've got to wonder that they must be pretty well fed over there not to have a go at the other smaller fish they share the tank with. I guess that goes to show you that most species are pretty docile most of the time.

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Got talking to a local angler back in 2013 whilst the wife and i were fishing the stretch at Davison Park,just beside the netted area. He said he had just seen 5/6 bull sharks milling about at the top of the creek !!!! During our 2012 trip we had a few weeks over in Western Australa based near Busselton. A diver was taken by a shark when we were there. Four fatalities that summer in Western Australia,2 divers and 2 fishermen.

Whilst staying at Noosa Heads seen a large bull shark in the river there.


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Got talking to a local angler back in 2013 whilst the wife and i were fishing the stretch at Davison Park,just beside the netted area. He said he had just seen 5/6 bull sharks milling about at the top of the creek !!!! During our 2012 trip we had a few weeks over in Western Australa based near Busselton. A diver was taken by a shark when we were there. Four fatalities that summer in Western Australia,2 divers and 2 fishermen.

Whilst staying at Noosa Heads seen a large bull shark in the river there.


Yeah bull sharks are a menace because they're just so aggressive. And as another Raider mentioned they can live in Saltwater and fresh water.

There is a golf course in Queensland with bullsharks in its ponds! How did they end up in a pond living with the carp? From memory a local freshwater waterway flooded during torrential rains which overflowed in to the golf course.


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Makes you wonder what you haven't seen in the past! Like many of us I grew up by the beach and spent most of my summers there - never saw a shark in the surf. That said I was at Bondi that December day (2008-9?) when a tourist was bitten by a shark in chest deep water.

I have also seen plenty of big-enough-to-scare-you sharks when spearing around Malabar and South Coogee - but that's what my float was for... And none of them were ever interested in me or my float anyway.

Slightly concerned about the comments of sharks further up the Hacking (like Gymea) as I like to take the kids to Gray's point for a swim!

I think we've probably all been swimming with sharks our whole lives but just haven't realised. Patrolled beaches are the way to go this summer!

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Makes you wonder what you haven't seen in the past! Like many of us I grew up by the beach and spent most of my summers there - never saw a shark in the surf. That said I was at Bondi that December day (2008-9?) when a tourist was bitten by a shark in chest deep water.

I have also seen plenty of big-enough-to-scare-you sharks when spearing around Malabar and South Coogee - but that's what my float was for... And none of them were ever interested in me or my float anyway.

Slightly concerned about the comments of sharks further up the Hacking (like Gymea) as I like to take the kids to Gray's point for a swim!

I think we've probably all been swimming with sharks our whole lives but just haven't realised. Patrolled beaches are the way to go this summer!

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Bull sharks are right up to the Audley Weir. Several years ago there was a report of a fisho landing a couple of bulls near the Weir, biggest about 8 foot. If they are up at the Weir, they have to swim past Grays Point. They are a roving shark, rather than spend time in a general area like Grey Nurse Sharks, so they are on the move all the time looking for food.

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Moved up to Lake mac today.

The wife read this on the way up




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