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Does size matter.................................?


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Now that ive got your attention :) the real question.(I'm full of questions this week)

DOES SIZE MATTER - when comparing eating quality of fish?

For example, i realised that some of the just legal flatties cooked for lunch today (caught yesterday), were not as good eating as the slightly larger 40cm+ specimens, and whilst legal there wasn't a good quantity of flesh coming from them. So from now on il only be keeping flatties inbetween the 40cm to 60cm range.

Ive also heard that XXL fish don't taste as good as their younger relatives.

So that got me thinking, what is the optimum eating size of each fish species?

Now remember, everyone has different taste so some species that taste like A*$ to some are very tasty to others.

- flathead







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I agree that just legal flatties are not as good as those 45-60cm. I find the flesh on the smaller ones is not as firm/flakey and just doesn't taste as good.

I've also noticed that bream taste best <35cm. The larger ones tend to have a greater chance of having an unpleasant dirty/weedy taste to them. Flesh on the smaller ones tends to be sweeter and more moist.

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I've noticed that estuary/lake fish caught in still & weedy water have a very different taste to those caught in fast moving water such as Channels or on the beach.

Seems to be a lighter fresh taste to the fish from the faster moving water whilst a more fishy and sometimes dirty/mud-like flavour from the opposite.

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A lot of the problem with larger fish is that many people try and cook them in the same manner as they would for a smaller one. for example a big thick chunk of OS flathead fillet will dry out around the edges before the middle is cooked if you just dump it in the fry pan. Whereas if you split the fillet down the middle it will cook a lot more evenly and come out Ok.

On the other side though small Jew are called soapy for a reason.


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For example, i realised that some of the just legal flatties cooked for lunch today (caught yesterday), were not as good eating as the slightly larger 40cm+ specimens, and whilst legal there wasn't a good quantity of flesh coming from them. So from now on il only be keeping flatties inbetween the 40cm to 60cm range.

I agree with you on that mate, if I want a feed, a few 40-60cm flathead is all that is needed.

As for jewfish, ive never tasted the soapiness with jews under 80cm, but after eating my pb, I dont know what it was, but it did taste nicer

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Probably more impact on taste comes from the cooking process. Few fish taste good if they are overcooked. Another consideration when deciding what size to keep should be the conservation aspect. Often big fish are better breeders than their smaller counterparts. For that reason I usually keep flatties 40 -50 cms but never any bigger. Personal choice, though. Neil

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Personally im not much of a fan of BIG jew.

7-15kg are beautiful and one of my favorite fish to eat, but those 25+kg fish i find tend to loose the moistness and delicate flavour of the smaller fish. They also seem to have a lot more worms in the flesh, which can be a bit discouraging. One particular 27kg fish i managed to pull enough worms to out of it to fill a breakfast bowl. it was a bit stomach turning, but i was determined not to let such a magnificent fish go to waste. IMO Its a better proposition to release these fish if able, as they are for more valuable as a resourse if left alive to breed than as table fodder.

I have never eaten a big flattie as my conscience kicks in and dictates thier release. I really like eating fish in the 45-60cm bracket though.

I have never caught a big king so i cant comment on the eating qualities. but i have taken and eaten fish from 70cm to 115cm, and found them to be first class fodder. hope fully this year i will get tosink my teeth into a 20+kg hood from the stones.

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