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Brisbane River 11th and 12th November


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Hi Raiders

Having just moved to Brisbane from Sydney thought I'd take the opportunity to get a few sessions in and have a crack at catching a couple of species I've never managed to and boy it didn't disappoint.

First night right at the top of high tide the rod buckled over and after a solid fight on relatively light gear I managed my first ever mulloway at 65cms. Not a huge fish but I was stoked regardless.post-8294-0-69319400-1447484589_thumb.jpg

Quick photo and off he swam. Next first was what I was told by a fellow fisho there he was a black spotted grunter of 30cms - when unhooking him got the reasoning behind the name. Wild pigs make less noise! Didn't get a photo sorry.

With all that going on I had to have another crack the following night. Again didn't disappoint as I got a nice bream and another first...this time a 55cm threadfin salmon! Great fish with some acrobatics and plenty of short powerful bursts of speed.


All up a great couple of nights fishing in the sunny state!



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Well done !! Who knew you had to move to QLD to finally nail that JEW !!! I got a few friends that complain they haven't nailed a Jew yet & have fished all over NSW , might have to tell them to move to QLD ... LOL .. How was the threadfin ? I heard there a great table fish .... Any truth to that ??

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Threadfin was unfortunately just short of legal, which is 60cms. I've heard they're a good table fish.

Never extensively targeted jew in nsw to be honest..but change of state change of luck may be the way to go!

Edited by Tommy G
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Definitely a Thready, there aren't many if any Blue Salmon in the river that I've heard of. Whiskers are too long to be a Blue.

Well done on a few nice fish, land based too by the looks of it. I've just moved to the Brisbane area myself and haven't tried the Brisbane river yet. Livies or lures?

Edited by Dave_
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Hey Dave, yeah landbased mate. All fish were caught on live bloodworms.

Nice mate, land based makes it an even sweeter catch. The Jacks are on big time down the GC in the Coomera River. I'm really torn between focusing on Jacks down there or Threadies in Brissy River...

Edited by Dave_
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