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Pittwater this morning


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I went down to Pittwater for a few hours this morning. No surface activity evident at all - so I spent a couple of hours trolling hardbodies around. Aside from this chunky flathead that climbed on board when I ventured into shallow water, not even a nibble. It looks like it'll be a week or two yet before any summer pelagics turn up.

720mm. took a red and white hardbody near Towlers Bay.




Edited by Volitan
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Wow what an awesome catch. Very healthy fish. As bigrod said one great tip on hot days like that is to put water on the concrete so you dont burn cook or dry out such a beautiful fish. (Providing if its catch and release)

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

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Just refreshing site rules.......

13. No criticism of legal catches and/or inappropriate imposing of C&R views in fishing reports

Scratchie mod team

Hey scratchie. Not sure if this is aimed at me but if so i meant no intention on criticising catch anf release cause if i caught a fish like that i personally probably would keep it haha was just saying incase he had intentions to realease the fish just providing a tip on keeping rhe fish healthy

Cheers but :)

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the comments guys.

That fish was a keeper, but as I release most of my fish I'm always keen to hear advice on how to make it easier on both fish and me.



Don't worry about it mate you haven't done anything wrong, a lot of people like to push their opinions on others. The fisheries size and bag limits are backed by scientific studies to have minimal impact on fish stocks.

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Just refreshing site rules.......

13. No criticism of legal catches and/or inappropriate imposing of C&R views in fishing reports

Scratchie mod team

This is directed at all Fishraider members. I've had to delete a couple of posts due to this reason.

Let me also debunk a myth that all big flathead are female. Whilst of a mature age flathead do produce more eggs, they don't not change sex and maintain there gender throughout their life.


Great catch and being of legal size, mate you do whatever you wish with your hard earned catch!

I would!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Great Catch Arron and well said Scratchie & Krispy.

The rules are there for a reason, if there's a risk of over-fishing or declining fish stocks the regulations will be adjusted.

I've been at the cleaning tables as a youngster with a 60cm flatty (my first over 45cm in 10 years of fishing) and was yelled at by two blokes who had about 20 fish combined - most of a mature / breeding size.

Anyway Arron enjoy the great catch!

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I'm not bothered about advising somebody to keep or release a fish but was under the impression that flathead did change to females when reaching a particular size. I have let many go for this reason. Now that I know differently, I may be tempted to keep a few more... next time I get to the coast. That's a great thing about this site. There's always something to learn from the other members. Cheers, Neil.

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Just refreshing site rules.......

13. No criticism of legal catches and/or inappropriate imposing of C&R views in fishing reports

Scratchie mod team

Wondering if you aimed that post at me?? Though can't see any criticism or imposing, in anyone's remarks. For the record, are opinions ok?

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Wondering if you aimed that post at me?? Though can't see any criticism or imposing, in anyone's remarks. For the record, are opinions ok?

I think it was probably me actually mate (happy to have my comment deleted my facts were wrong and I was too tired to notice!) But i do have to agree with you here. I feel there may be a bit of a stigma associated with c&r fishos on this forum....we mean well believe me, we are just sharing our opinion and happy to hear others. Otherwise whats the point in having a forum it might as well be just photos!
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I think it was probably me actually mate (happy to have my comment deleted my facts were wrong and I was too tired to notice!) But i do have to agree with you here. I feel there may be a bit of a stigma associated with c&r fishos on this forum....we mean well believe me, we are just sharing our opinion and happy to hear others. Otherwise whats the point in having a forum it might as well be just photos!

It's a sad world if people can't voice an opinion that might conflict with someone else's. Obviously, as long as it's not abusive. I come from Victoria and came on this site to learn about fishing in the north. PLEASE voice any alternative view to anything I might post. Like my 'Salmon is Good Eating' post ha ha. (Like I said, I'm from Vic. :sun: )

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It's a sad world if people can't voice an opinion that might conflict with someone else's. Obviously, as long as it's not abusive. I come from Victoria and came on this site to learn about fishing in the north. PLEASE voice any alternative view to anything I might post. Like my 'Salmon is Good Eating' post ha ha. (Like I said, I'm from Vic. :sun: )

Nah catch and release is awesome, I release a lot of what I catch too, but when someone says you "should" have released it when its perfectly legal that's where it becomes a different story.

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Wondering if you aimed that post at me?? Though can't see any criticism or imposing, in anyone's remarks. For the record, are opinions ok?

That is directed at every member. It is a rule and is very clear!

Every fisho has the right to keep or release any legal size fish those choose without the need for debate!


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