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Sydney beach session


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Hi raiders

Hit my favourite beach location this afternoon with a bag of worms. After an hour and 7 or so undersized whiting, got 3 legal models on the trot, and another to follow half an hour later.

It went quiet, I persisted, but to no avail. Cut the rig off, upside the leader and sent out a squidgy pro slick rig, after a hand full of casts, my 12ft 3-6kg rod loaded up nicely, admittedly I was in 2 minds as to if it was a fish or a Lump of seaweed because I saw some drifting past seconds earlier, but some head shakes confirmed it was a fish, then a visual, it was a good flatty. unfortunately half a metre from the sand he spat the hook.

That was me done, I had already over stayed my quota by an hour and was preparing for an ear full when I got home, surprisingly she was all smiles.


Boneless whiting fillets for lunch tomorrow.




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