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Sunday jewwies


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G'day raiders

Just a quick report as I'm very tired from the long day

Headed out at 6am and met some mates out in hope to get them their first jewwie

Pulled up to a good spot and after 45mins my mate got smoked by a king, seemed like a good fish but busted him off unfortunately, so we moved through many spots trying to find the fish, but wasn't looking to good but I had one spot in mind that always seem to produce on a low tide change so headed there, put down the soft vibe on the bait caster and bang, fish on! Fought well for the size and into the net for a quick photo, tag and release

Was stoked with this fish as its the first for me on a soft vibe and first on the bait caster too!

Kept fishing just getting heaps of good size flatties, we moved many spots until my mate hooked up. Up came the Jew and into the net

This was my mates first ever Jew and first time chasing them as well!!

That was about it for the day apart from more decent flatties

Back in at 5pm after a good day on the water

Cheers Gianni



Will add my mates Jew photo later on when he send the pic

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