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Kings and Jews past few days


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G'day raiders

So with this weekend being Seamus' bday weekend, I came over Friday after school and took Seamus' yak out while he had to sort something out with the boat and within 2 mins on the first drop and bang, good fight and up comes a nice little Jew. Unfortunately I didn't have my tags but glad he went back strong


Went back in after that and got ready for the next day out for kings on the boat

Up at 5am and out to the bait grounds straight from launch, we quickly loaded the tank with 15 or so yakkas and a couple slimies

So headed to the king spot and first few drops get some follows to the boat on jigs but not takes

A few more drops and Seamus hooks up to a foul hooked rat which we thought was a lot bigger

After the first fish we got more, and more... And more! I lost my jig so changed to a plastic and first drop hook up and it was non stop from then

Nearly every drop was a King and in shallow water is super fun trying to stop them.

We got many more kings then I landed a new PB bonito at 63 and soon after left for another spot. Got to another spot but only produced 1 small fish so headed back to the first spot and just kept getting many rats

Then a mate pulls up next to us and what do ya know, pulls a meter King right in front of us, but that's fishing.

Anyway headed back in at around 1:30pm with 50+ kings on the board... And then it was time to put a Jew or two on the boat, and they didn't disappoint

Got to the first spot and bam 2 little fish at 57-58 in 30 mins both tagged and released

That was about it to top off a great day!














So on Sunday was Seamus' birthday, and if you saw in a photo above, I got him a 3000 Shimano Stradic FK

We headed for Jews on Sunday, up at 4:45 and on the yaks by 5, hit the first spot which didn't produce so headed to another spot and quickly Seamus got a solid flatly and after 30 mins I hook what I thought was a flatly but turned out a little Jew at 58cm. It was tagged but he decided he didn't want a photo so when I held him up for the photo he kicked out of my hands [emoji16] but at least he swam off strong

Anyway kept moving and eventually I hook another Jew and thought it was a good one

He fought harder than my 80cm Jew so was getting excited and he only came up to be 68cm but a great fight

I was on for around 5 mins and I tagged it and was really surprised he went back so strong after that long fight! Good to see, very healthy fish

Anyway that was about it for the day apart from a few dropped fish

Unfortunately Seamus couldn't get his birthday Jew but that's fishing


Cheers Gianni

Happy birthday Seamus

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Awesome weekend mate. I actually saw you guys at Drummoyne Boat ramp, was going to say Hi but the ramp was a little hectic and I didn't want to hold people up.

I heard a few people cracked the meter kings over the weekend, sounds like North Head is firing up!

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well done guys, sounds like you had fun indeed. your dedication is definitely paying off..

I reckon that the way you guys are going

you will start recapturing youre tagged jews and it will be interesting to know how far they have traveled, grown etc

keep up the good work guys and damn nice boat you got there!!



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