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Punishing Boat Trips


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Hi Raiders,

Just wondering whether I am the only one who suffers after a big day on the water?

I guess I might be asking a little too much of this vintage body but after a trip like last Friday I am a shattered man.

Perhaps the three hours sleep didnt help and because I was already a little seedy and going outside I took a couple of Kwells.

Standing up in the boat bracing against the swell for 4 hours catching 50 kings (albeit rats) certainly took its toll on the back, the hammies and my suspect left shoulder.

Oh yes, and the constant action meant I didn't drink as much as I should have and the sunscreen could have been applied a little more.

After leaving home in the morning at 3:30 getting home 11 hours later, cleaning the boat and the gear and settling into a couple of beers and a steak I was ready for the sack at 8:30... pretty much fell asleep sitting on the lounge. Next day I was a very sore individual.

I get plenty of exercise jogging and cycling nearly every day but I find fishing pretty pysically demanding... what is your experience?



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yeah mate I"m often knackered after a good day's fishing, and I'm only in my 30's! I reckon not drinking enough water is a big one as you get so carried away doing all the other little things. I also find my shoulders get pretty from holding the rod all day plus dealing with the anchor and steering the boat etc.

Went out on a charter last week and we were reef fishing in 70+ m of water with these massive sinkers on, My arms were stuffed by the end of it just from all the weight and the winding!

PS I could probably do to a get fitter though and cut down on some of the finer things in life that I tend to enjoy atm.....

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I'd rather be sore from Fishing rather than being sore from work ANYDAY !!! At least you get time to recover till your next fishing trip but you don't always get time to recover from work when you gotta go back every day ....... At least you had a great day on the Kings Jim !!

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I'd rather be sore from Fishing rather than being sore from work ANYDAY !!! At least you get time to recover till your next fishing trip but you don't always get time to recover from work when you gotta go back every day ....... At least you had a great day on the Kings Jim !!

Point taken!

It's a big consolation knowing I am not the only one.

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I usually get up at 02 30 after next to no sleep, plan on pulling out at 1200 but MUST, be home before school zones, and yeah cactus by the end.

I've pulled up for a microsleep on the way home a few times.

I knew a guy involved in the record of releasing @340 billfish in a day, all 3 anglers were err rooted for ages, buggered biceps buggered pecs shoulders, some to the point of surgery.

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I have this app which I can put in my exercise to help calculate how much I'm burning, and it says 2 hours = 853kcal

I always thought this was sus, till the arvo after a day's fishing, you use so many muscles just stablizing your self, you don't realise till the next day..

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I love a long fishing session and time flys whilst your out on the water. Nackered??? Nah, especially if it was a productive trip!

What is sleep? I'm a baker and live by this motto.

"There's plenty of time to sleep when your dead, because your dead a long time!"

Add that to 4 very active kids and my desire to go fishing every spare minute I can. I really don't have time to be tired.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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I had the same question. But come to think of it...the amount of concentration used when fishing is pretty high. I get tired when land based fishing. Keeping an eye on the rod..surroundings..water...a lot of things for your brain to take in as uour eyes observe. I think thats the main cause of getting wasted after a big day fishing.

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Hi yes the same for me. Hydration and a good stretch as the day goes on and even better stretch after finishing the boat the muscles feal much better next day.

They also say the more you do that exercise the less your body aches. So my advice is to go do it more

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

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I love a long fishing session and time flys whilst your out on the water. Nackered??? Nah, especially if it was a productive trip!

What is sleep? I'm a baker and live by this motto.

"There's plenty of time to sleep when your dead, because your dead a long time!"

Add that to 4 very active kids and my desire to go fishing every spare minute I can. I really don't have time to be tired.

Cheers scratchie!!!

Looks like you've conditioned yourself Scratchie by all those early starts!

I reckon you should go for a walk around the block after you finish cleaning up and before you sleep! Give those muscles a good stretch :)

Good advice.

I'll give it a shot!



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