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My recent fishing results and details.


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Hello guys and girls.

After a long hiatus from fishing (about 3 years since my last proper fishing trip), I have decided to get back in to the sport. It has always been something I have loved, and now I am in a position to be able to do a lot more of it with the spare time I have. I bought a bunch of new gear to throw around, my dad got a shiny new boat, and we are both hooked again and loving it. I have even got my 6 year old boy crazy for it which is awesome, I remember how much I loved throwing a line in with my dad growing up.

My first trip out was on the boat in the Hawkesbury on the 5th DEC, although we couldn't go outside proper due to a very sea sick passenger on the boat .We made the most of what we could do. We were on Prawns and pilchards mostly, and had a few throws with the soft plastics with no luck for me as usual. We took a few bigger estuary rods and only 2 boat rods with some bigger gear and tried our luck.

After about an hour I dropped a chunk of pilchard down with a nice bit of weight on it on the light gear, and jagged a lovely Flatty, my 'welcome back' fish. He had a decent bit of fight in him but eventually ended up in the boat, then ended up back at my place on the dinner table, I promised the kids I would catch something we could eat.


Didn't get a weight but it was bang on 60cm which is a PB for me and I was stoked to get him pretty early into my first trip.
Between the three of us we ended up getting another 4 Flatty, 2 bream, 1 Tailor, the words ugliest catfish, and a little ray. Most caught down around the rail bridge, they all went back without and dramas.
Overall it was a good day out, great weather and a few nice fish, the Flatty made an awesome feed, nothing like the feeling of eating and enjoying a nice catch

Next trip was on the 7th, I took the kids down to Woy Woy to have a throw a fishermans wharf, I pulled in a tiny little baby snapper and my girl got a nice little bream on her new tackleratz ugly stik rod and got a chance to use her new net. Obviously these little guys went back, nothing impressive this trip but it was a good bit of fun.



Went out again close to midnight on the 8th under the Woy Woy bridge, hoping to catch a Jewie or a nice big Flatty, had no luck on plastics, I never do, but managed to grab a nice Flatty and a few nice Bream on squid. Bought the Flatty and two big Bream home.
The Flatty was 48cm
The Bream were 26 and 28cm

Caught a few other bream, just on and just undersize, they all went back, no need to be greedy, I already had plenty for a nice bbq lunch the next day.

Lastly I went out yesterday afternoon, down off a wharf in Gosford, took the young fella after he knocked off school with his new 6ft rod hoping he could christen it his first time out. It is rigged up with nice light gear and he managed to bait his own hook, drop his line off the wharf, and within a minute ha had jagged something. I wish catching little fish was still this great for me, he had a solid fight with it for a few minutes and finally managed to drag it in, he couldn't believe how HUGE his 21cm whiting was. There is nothing better than seeing him get that wound up after catching his own fish, it was awesome.


And for me it was bitter sweet, the big man upstairs must have heard me praying for Jewies and decided to graciously provide me with one, only problem was that I forgot to specify I wanted a BIG one, not a tiny baby Black Jewfish. When it hit, it hit HARD, there was a huge thump and it ran out a decent bit of line, it put up a great fight on the way in and the whole time I thought I had something pretty decent. Not a big one,but a really beautiful fish. I haven't got a big Jewie before, but now I can't wait to fight a big one after seeing how the babies go!


All in all it has been a great return to the hobby for me,haven't come up dry on a trip yet, and seeing my kids get stuck in has been awesome. Looking forward to Santa bringing me some more gear, and spending some time out in the boat chasing some big guys over the break.

Happy fishing guys.

Edited by MJGough
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Cheers guys, it's great to be back in to it. Beats sitting in front of the TV all day twiddling your thumbs thats for sure. I get excited every morning the weather is nice.

It sure has been fruitful so far, thanks for the well wishes, no doubt i'll let you all know if I catch something awesome!

Edited by MJGough
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Awesome report. Goodluck with future trips, mind you getting the kids into it just creates teenagers like me that spend all their money on fishing gear and lures hahaha. Oh well there are worse things to spend money on at our age.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks Mattfinn I don't mind of they get into it, I'm only 28 myself and I know it wasn't long ago I was spending my time and money on far worse things.

The time spent fishing with them is just fantastic, even if it does end up biting me in the ass financially haha.

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