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Hi Raiders. One week till Christmas Eve so I thought I'd start a post to relive some memories or hear something you have planned to set up for the kids ready for Christmas morning. You know what I'm talking about waiting for the kids to fall asleep so you and the neighbor can start putting together the swing set or the bike or trampoline. The only problem is you've had too many beers by this time and it's hard to read the instructions or maybe no alcohol involved but some parts missing.

Let's hear your stories.

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Do kids still play on those ancient swing sets,trampolines and bikes?I thought all you had to do was gift wrap a Xbox or play station at your leisure and stick it under the tree.lol.I remember as kids my brother and I questioning my parents for hints on what we were getting and being told that it was big and had 4 wheels.My brother and I were so excited thinking we were getting a go kart for Christmas to wake up on Christmas Day to a pair of shiny new bikes instead that my parents had set up during the night.Not even for a second did we think we were getting bikes as they only have 4 wheels in pairs.lol.We were 10 and 12 yrs old.They had us going for weeks guessing.


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Yes memories of hiding all the presents under the house or in the top of cupboards and then waiting till they went to sleep and doing the assembling of bikes, cubby houses, dolls houses, Barbie Ferraris, totem tennis, blowup pools, trampolines, swing sets and don't forget the Slip n Slide.

I remember when we bought the Super Nintendo for the kids and my sister and I opened it and played it ( Donkey Kong I think) almost every night prior to Christmas and carefully put it back in its box each time hahahah. We were in our 30's :20:

They always got up at an ungodly hour and came bolting through the house to the door to go outside and see if Santa had drunk the beer and ate the cake or cookies and more importantly if the reindeer had eaten the carrots and milk. Screams of "he's been, he's been" meant we all had to get up and open the presents.

Fab1 yes I remember the bikes too. We used to go every year for the 6 week break to the council caravan park at Windang with several other families. That was hard to get sorted for Christmas and our father had to drive down there a few times to set the tent up and then take all the presents down there! There was always a big raffle on each Christmas and one year we won it - the prize was a beautiful purple Dragster bike. It had a purple speckled seat and high handlebars and purple painted frame. Every kid in the park wanted to have a go on my bike that year :)

ambrose this is a good thread and thanks for starting it. I also remember having missing parts and oops we forgot the batteries. We got Mouse Trap one year and one of the pieces was missing and we could not play it :badmood:

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