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Brooklyn Monster


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Hey All,

Have been trolling the forums for years now and thought it about time i chime in with a fishing report. I have been a land based angler till recently i decided to buy myself a Yak from BCF (Couldn't say no to the 50% off price tag). Every now and then i would hire a tinny from Cottage point or Akuna bay but at $160 a pop it adds up. Anyway finally with my new Yak i have freedom to go out whenever i want without having to compete for turf on the Hawkesbury banks and wait for the fish to come to me.

I have caught many good school and bull sharks form the Hawkesbury and decided to be a bit of a thrill seeker in my Yak and see if i could hook up and hitch a ride around with one on the weekend Saturday just gone 19th . Spend a few hours dangling a few ganged pillies out to entice in my free ride, Unfortunately i had no success with the sharks but did get an unexpected surprise none the less.

I felt a slow pull on my rod and wasn't sure if i had just snagged but decided to pullback and set the hook just in case. WOW did it hook, whatever was on my line took off at the speed of light peeling off a good 15 meters of line off at a time and towing my Yak around like a toy boat. A short battle later i absolutely crapped myself when this lizard surfaced next to my Yak she was massive swimming alongside me. I lip gripped her and had a look and unfortunately she had swallowed all three gangs right into her belly. There was no way i could have let her go and she would have survived. I usually do not keep any big girls but in this case she would not have survived either way.

As you can see in the photo my 160lb (Meant for sharks not lizards ha ha) leader was well and truly engulfed. She defiantly took my Yak for a trip so i'm thinking twice now about hooking up to a good size shark in it. Not to mention learning that whatever you land in the Yak you pretty much land on your lap (I have a few holes in my legs after some tail thrashing)

Definitely the biggest lizard i have caught or seen and i'm stoked to have this up my sleeve as my PB lizard. Shame i didn't get to weigh her and let her go.

Going to enter this girl into the catch of the month, lucky i had my GREEN hose out when i snapped the pic to qualify for this month. Cant wait to get out every weekend i can from now and post some more great reports and pics.

Thanks All loving this community and excited to start posting :)



Edited by juzz
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