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Finally got one!


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Hey raiders.

First of all i just wanna say happy new year to you all.

So was meant to be going fishing this weekend but unfortunately have to work over the whole weekend now!!! Grrrr.

So anyway took the yak out this morning for the first time off the beach in a bay to try for a squid.

And anywau long story short i finally got one!!! After many attempts nkw i finally netted one. I am so chuffed to tick it off the list and if my first session of the year is already knocking one target soecies off my list then hooefully its a sign of things to come haha



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Excellent work.....LOL now stick the squid on a live bait rig for a KING and hang on and you will have another to add to your list LOL. Good one mate. :banana:

Ahhh that would be the dream hahah. Love to add that bad boy to the list haha

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

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