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Almost. 1st January

General Zod

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We went to Botany Bay for a New Years fish with the plan to catch some live bait and then go looking for some kings. The plan almost, sort of, maybe not went to plan. Couldn't bring up the yakkas, bloody other little stripped fish kept on taking them. I was using my 2-4kg rod with 1000 size reel with a bait rig, the ones with the tiny tiny little hooks with prawns the size of my finger nail attached to them, all of a sudden my reel goes off like a freight train, took a least 1/4 of my line just like that, go to get some line back and again takes of like a rocket. It eventually turns back and I get some line back, now my son wants in on the action so since I've got some decent line back I hand him the rod. It's so much fun watching kids screaming when a fish takes line so hard but he eventually brings him up, At first I think it's a big trevalley then a big bonnie, but then we see that big yellow tail we start to cheer and hype each other up. We're amazed its hooked on a tiny hook. I miss netting him first go but it was enough time for him to spit the hook out. ?. The rest to the day nothing much. Traveled to Browns rock with an octopus as live bait, but nothing. It was full land base though. Anyway as the saying goes, there's always next time.


Edited by General Zod
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