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harbour luderick past two days

Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass

Spent the past two days chasing luderick around the harbour with royce.

saturday went east of the bridge with royce chasing luderick on the fly rod and me on conventional gear.

the day started slow until the tide picked up on the run in from 1/2 tide in the bites got more consistant with royce getting three on the fly on the deck with a couple of throwbacks and many takes and misses.

on bait i got 6 on the deck and throwbacks aswell pulling tbe hooks on a couple.

i got busted by a big sawtail surgeon losing my complete rig of float and all.

bait was more conducive sat over the fly.



we kept 9 on saturday for a feed.

sunday we went and fished the darling harbour area after checking past records and seeing a recent post from the area.

rocked up on day break about two hours into the run up tide the berly took the better part of a hour to bring the fish on.

As usual royce put the first fish on the deck being a legal bream.

Then royce got the first luderick for the day on the deck.

I had a slow start finally putting a luderick on the deck next.

After this we went fish for fish with each other over the next two hours with a few throwbacks also.

Call it quits just before high tide for a early finish.

All up got fourteen blackfish and the one bream.

We kept the bream and eight luderick for a feed.


All up a very productive weekend of luderick fishing.

Cheers trevor.

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Mate I struggle to catch black trevslly!!! Thankfully....though on a serious note they have a very tasty flesh and are a delicacy we got a big one a whilst back off the rocks approx 40cm so we knocked it on the head and I carefully filleted and skinned...my said it was one of the nicest tasting fish he's had in a while

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Mate I struggle to catch black trevslly!!! Thankfully....though on a serious note they have a very tasty flesh and are a delicacy we got a big one a whilst back off the rocks approx 40cm so we knocked it on the head and I carefully filleted and skinned...my said it was one of the nicest tasting fish he's had in a while

Well there you go!!!! You learn something new everyday, I never new you could eat them let alone fillet them, you must have the filleting skills of a Fugu chef.
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Well there you go!!!! You learn something new everyday, I never new you could eat them let alone fillet them, you must have the filleting skills of a Fugu chef.


Poison.... Poison....Tasty Fish

Great weekends effort guys.

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Guest Guest123456789

Very well done. I saw some guys fishing for blackfish on Saturday morning at pyrmont (corner of jones bay wharf and pirrama road). Looked like they were getting some action.

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Mate on a five weight fly rod it's a lot of fun ask hawkesbass who had a go a while back different feel and an insane fight on light fly gear I normally target trout with! It gives me another angle and challenge to my luderick fishing! Had a load of success last winter with it in shallow water bays around the Harbourside eastern suburbs and shallow rock ledges on the ocean front! Makes you earn them!

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I've always wanted to learn how to fly fish and Royce was kind enough to give me a fly rod that he no longer used. All I had to do was buy a reel which also came with fly line and backing. Royce gave me a few lessons and tips on how to cast and with some practice I kinda got the hang of it. I have fished a couple of times with the fly rod for blackfish with Royce but they didn't want to play ball. Hopefully I'll get another crack at them soon.

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