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Hawkesbury Sunday 24/01, Great Day Out


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Hi Raiders,

Today I got the opportunity to get out for a Fish in the Hawkesbury which ended up being a great day.
We were on the water by 9am ready for the tide change around 10am, so off to the rail bridge with all the other boats to see what we could manage, anyway it took a little while for the bites to start but at least they did around 10:30 and we were getting a few bream bites but no hookups as we had jewwie type rigs on and its hard to get Bream on Jewwie setups.
I have managed to do this in the past but the Bream were 40+cms.
Decided to change back to long shank hooks which are my personal favorite & I sent one rod out and while I was rigging up the other rod wouldn't you know it the rod took off like a steam train possibly a jew or a very good fish as it almost took the rod as it was not even in the rod holder yet and as I just managed to grab it the hook must have slipped out of the fishes mouth at least we got a bit of excitement to keep us entertained, not long after that I manged to hook and land a bream of around 35 cms so I was happy with that, but on the back of my mind I was worried cause we had left the landing net behind and thought If we get anything decent we may be in strife.
Anyway around 11:30 the bite had slowed as the current was racing, we managed a flounder and a couple of flatties so it was time to move. We looked around and eventually found a calmer section close by and had another go.
Within half a hour of moving we started getting flatties they must have been there in numbers, then the dreaded happened I was on to a 60+ cm Flattie without a net and sure enough lost it trying to figure out how to get it in as we didn't have a net.
Not long after that that, I hooked another one this time it was a monster easily 80cm this time I tried to put the rod in the water and lip grip it
and ended up losing it..... :mad3: in the back of my mind I was thinking that I probably would have released it anyway but would have loved a photo!!
I was happy with the day but annoyed that a simple error has cost me 2 quality fish but lesson learn't, I'll hopefully never make this mistake again, not giving up hope I tried again and hooked another flattie in the Mid 50s this time I landed it using a mesh bag I had in my esky. high fives all round as now I had a feed. Anyway that was our day out,

lesson learned don't go anywhere without your net no exceptions!!!!!
here are some pic's , sorry one is unclear I think I need to clean my phone lens.




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Cheers Guys, I am looking forward to cooking them up tomorrow. I hope you get into some fish when youre out there too James. they seem to be there at the moment lets hope they stick around for a while.

Regards Nathan

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Good work on the feed.

I have grabbed a couple of flatties from the water, up to the 55 to 60cm mark, fingers under the head in the gill opening and thumb around the side of the head. Not for the faint hearted, and may result in copping a spike in the hand. (practice with a dead one first)

80cms would be too big to grab, unless you had very big hands :074: , and the flattie would be too aggressive to handle. No other way to boat it without a net.

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Good work on the feed.

I have grabbed a couple of flatties from the water, up to the 55 to 60cm mark, fingers under the head in the gill opening and thumb around the side of the head. Not for the faint hearted, and may result in copping a spike in the hand. (practice with a dead one first)

80cms would be too big to grab, unless you had very big hands :074: , and the flattie would be too aggressive to handle. No other way to boat it without a net.

Thanks Yowie, ill be sure to give this a go with a dead one but to prevent this from happening again I will buy a couple of cheap nets and leave one in my boat and one in my car just in case this happens again. it was a simple error that cost me 2 quality fish..



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Good work Nathan and bad luck about the ones that got away.... I bet you remember the landing net next time


Thanks Pete, definatly not going anywhere without it lol.

I am also tying my rigs differently now aswell cause I had a swivel bust off at the knot 3 weeks ago on a fish as I would tie braid to swivel then leader from the other end. What I am doing now is braid to mono using a allbright knot and tie to swivel with mono on both ends so I have a bit of stretch. seems to be better. will need to try this on a quality fish and see how we go, cause latley I have been losing more fish then I catch and need to get the basics right.



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Thanks Jeff,

I have bought another net and leave the old one in my car and the new one in my boat that way if I use my boat the net is there ready to go and if I go on another boat and they dont have a net then were covered.

I cant wait to have another crack.



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