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Big mullet - advice


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Hi all,

New to these forums but in desperate need of any advice to prevent me from going crazy.

Anyways, so I have this jetty I go to in Sydney's Port Hacking River system and the surrounding water holds really big mullet and lots of them. I know this because they frequently jump out of the water at late afternoon right by my line and torment me. They seem to be feeding near the rocks right by the break wall at high tide where there is plenty of bait fish around.

I am targeting them on light tackle. I'm using two rods. One is a 3-5kg class line rod, the other is a 2-4kg class line rod. I've got 6lb mono line (I think) on one and 8lb on the other. I'm using 2 size 6 long shank hooks with split shot weights and a float about 40cm above these two hooks on both rods. Using bread as bait on both rolled into tiny balls. I should also mention I'm burleying up the place with bread frequently.

So far, after a number of times fishing at the location, I've only caught under-sized bream, when I really want to reel in one of these 30-50cm mullets!

Any tips or advice would be much appreciated!

Kind regards,


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The mullet you are talking about are probably sea mullet, and they rarely take a bait. Are very occasionally caught with bread, dough or casting flies.

You would have better luck picking lotto numbers than getting the big sea mullet to take your baits.

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The mullet you are talking about are probably sea mullet, and they rarely take a bait. Are very occasionally caught with bread, dough or casting flies.

You would have better luck picking lotto numbers than getting the big sea mullet to take your baits.

Was typing a response and saw this from Yowie who is on the mark as usual.

Making sea mullet your target species is a recipe for disappointment.



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I tend to catch them fairly often at my spot. Sometimes you will see them swim under the jetty in massive schools, almost 'on a mission' so to speak. Basically no chance when they are like that, however every now and then they will come and take my bread burley off the surface. When they're feeding like that, a small piece of bread lightly pressed around the hook, and then dipped in water so it sinks very slightly, you're in with a shot (unweighted of course). Just make sure to watch your bait very closely, and as soon as you see it disappear, strike. They'll steal it all day long otherwise.

Can be frustrating at times for sure though, even more so when you think you have a school of pelagics breaking the water!

In saying all that, and as others have said, I certainly wouldn't be out targeting them. A pleasant by catch is all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by mitchie18092
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