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My best ever Dollie


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Awesome, i should've had hit the 12 mile myself. Conditions were magic. Any body else with dollie action?

Only a couple of boats out over the actual reef and I am not sure how they went.

There was a lot of bait across the whole of the reef but very spread out. I don't know what to make of it really. Fish showing up at all depths but not concentrated at all.

A few boats trolling wide of the reef. I left as soon as I landed the fish because the wind was coming up a little and the ride home can be a little bumpy.

I imagine there were more about though, that would normally be the case.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Raiders,

I headed out a few hours before dawn, grabbed some livies and headed out to the fad hoping for a few dollies..

There were tons of juveniles hanging around the fad and they responded to a soft plastic but they were very undersized.

Water temperature was 24 and the swell was about 1 metre.

Headed off to Long Reef for the turn of the tide and scored a couple of just undersized kings (my specialty!)

Then headed back to the FAD to see if anything had changed but it hadn't so seeing as the weather was so calm and the swell was now less than a metre

I headed off at about 20 Knots to 12 Mile.

The closer I got the warmer and more cobalt blue the water got. When I got there the water was 25 degrees and there were only 2 other boats.

I decided to troll around under the electric motor and not 10 minutes after I started my rod buckled over and by the time a had it in my hand a saw a flash of electric blue leap clear of the water about

40 meters away. I knew this was a dollie and a pretty big one.

My line was directly in front of a small boat who was motoring towards it but fortunately he saw the fish jump and turned back.

Following the jumps the fish took several hard and long runs over the next 10 minutes while I fought to gain some line on him.

After about 15 minutes he went deep and did most of the hard slog there for a wile until I started giving him a bit of stick.

Then he decided a run to the surface was in order and he shot straight of out of the depths clearing the water only about 10 meters from me.

20 minutes of hard slog and my arms were protesting but he was doing circles so I thought I had him.

Eventually I saw colour and and his circles were getting tighter and he was getting closer.

He did a couple of small runs under the boat which made me nervous but eventually I got him to the surface.

I grabbed the gaff in one hand and drove it home which of course he complained about and threatened to take gaff and rod with him but I managed to pull him on board.

It certainly adds to the degree of difficulty when you are doing this solo but it was a very rewarding day.


By my measurement it went 143 cms

Could this be a fishraider record?




Good fish Jim

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Wow, was this midweek? When was the water ever that flat?

Hi Dave,

It was a Friday.

I look for a swell of less than 1.2 metres, gentle winds and no chance of bad weather coming in ( as much as can be guaranteed anyway) before I venture any further than the heads.

On the day the swell was about 0.8 and about 16 seconds. No wind in the morning. Perfect day really.



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