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Sydney Spotted Mackerel


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Trolling Large Soft plastics in a Kayak around Yellow Rock at Malabar, Long Bay, Sydney. It was very bumpy outside, so I hovered just inside the heads, looking for Tailor and Kingfish. Hooked a Spotted Mackerel around 90cm or so. Man these things go like aeroplanes when they run! Shame about the last few seconds of the fight, but I guess he lived to fight another day.
Hooked (and lost) another kingfish, and got one tailor. Not my day I guess!

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Nice fish despite the self release. They seem to show up every couple of years if the water gets warm enough. Think they were caught in the Hacking last year or year before.

I would be getting the feet further out of the way tho. One swipe from those teeth & the fish will be the least of your worries.

Edited by sharknett
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