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Went out for a few hours with my son and a fellow raider armed with some plastics and chicken.

Found a likely looking hole close to shore out of the wind with some shell encrusted rocks in the hope of catching some decent bream or maybe even snapper.

In the couple of hours we were out we mainly got bream with the occasional squire thrown in but nothing worth keeping or legal.

We managed a squid which latched on to a chicken bait that we had out and what maybe a pike caught on a squidgee.

There river was full of prawns swimming about and what appeared to be yellowtail with squid giving chase.


Can someone confirm if this is a pike and edible?or make good bait?

Cheers and thanks for reading.

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Thanks again fabian, what a top night it was. the mrs is looking forward to cooking up the squid.

that fish you caught could have been a snook which is also known as a species of pike.



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Thanks again fabian, what a top night it was. the mrs is looking forward to cooking up the squid.

that fish you caught could have been a snook which is also known as a species of pike.



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Any time mate,it's a shame we couldn't find the parents of those bream/snapper.You did well boating that squid that was latched on to your chicken without a net that's for sure.


A few of them cruise about in the Hacking. Better eating than the stinky yellow finned pike.

Thanks mate.Any particular baits/rigs they fancy?We weren't sure about that fish and released it as it was a first for me.

It was a great few hours shared other than the twits running around without Nav Lights.

One guy I saw the glow from his lit cigarette as we past each other.

The other goose was a teenager in a small tinny .Both had no lifejackets on.

Thanks again mate.

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It was good that we went last night too cause I am here at Bundeena now with the family and its so windy and theres so many boats and jetskis on the water.

I normally rarely hook squid on bait and they normally let go boatside but that poor squiddy was very unlucky!!!



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I recon its a Yellowtail Barracuda Sphyraena obusata. Different common names, I call them Sea Pike.

They have come up on here before, have a search in the Aquarium section.

It certainly sounds better if some one asked you how you went and you tell them "I got a Yellowtail Barracuda" than a Sea Pike. :)

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It could be Sphyraena novaehollandiae .

Have caught them (subject to identification) before on small fish baits, lures and nippers. The nippers were when I drifted off the sand bank into deeper water.

At times I have seen them, particularly in the early morning, swimming in small schools about the edges of sand banks near Lilli Pilli and other drop offs.

The fillets are reasonable eating if the fish are bled and kept on ice.

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