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Hooked at the Entrance


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Went up to the Entrance early on Easter Saturday for a look around.

Managed to catch a nice flaty on a cooked prawn but it was very slow.

Not many taps. I was using a new rod, a 10ft 2 piece in a little tinny so

that was challenging. Casting is easy but getting the hook close enough to rebait

will take some practice. Swapped rods and had a go a catching come Mullet.

That too was going very slow with a lot of littles ones around but nothing taking

the bait. I ended up with two pretty good ones, and one little one.


When I went to take the little one off the hook, it went mental and started thrashing around.

One of the spare hooks on my mullet rig got pulling in to my finger. Man that hurt and whats worse

was that the fish was still struggling making the whole thing very painful. Anyway, I eventually got the

fish off but couldn't get the hook out. So I managed to hook myself twice in two weeks. Anyone recommend a good

glove for removing agro fish?


Off to the doctors. They started having a look when a fire alarm went off, so we had to evacuate

and wait for the fire brigade to turn up. That took about 20 minutes and then another 10 before we

were allow back in. So a second go at the hook, and the fire alarm goes off again. Evacuated again.

Wait for the fire brigade, who were much quicker this time. Finally got given about 4 needles before it was

numb enough to pull out.

Got home, cleaned the fish and had a very nice meal. The plastic container is the sunscreen or the water bottle

and I'll enter my story in the Catch Of the month.

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I can't believe you had to have needles prior to removal, when I got a hook stuck in my outer thigh the doctor just pushed it further until the barb protruded then he snipped it off and pulled the shank backwards and out, Dettol wash,bandaid and a few one liners about 'catch of the day',lol

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