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A lazy Saturday afternoons fishing.


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Hi everyone,

I was sitting at home with my two sons Saturday morning not doing much. At around midday they started pestering me to

take them fishing. I caved in and we loaded our gear in car and headed to the local bait shop for some pillies and prawns.

We got onto the water at around 2ish and set off for an old spot in the harbour. It was pretty quiet at first with not

much happening except undersize snapper picking at our baits. We shifted the boat 30 metres this way and a short

time later 30 metres in another direction as the current and wind kept blowing us off our spot.

After some furious berleying we started to get some action happening. A bonnie that I was pulling up to the boat

was followed by a nice king. I kept the Bonnie in the water at the end of my line to keep the kings interested as now we

had two swimming at the back of the boat. The funny thing was they were not interested in any of our offerings except

the balls of mashed up bread that we tossed on. After a while the kings seemed to vanish, and our berley attracted a

school of garfish. We caught a handful of these along with about a dozen yakkas that we put in the live well. We had

a live yakka out for our entire session and it never got touched. We also had live garfish out, and every now and again the

rod with the gar would bend and the reel would scream for a few seconds. We some how kept failing to set the hook and

our gars would get stolen. Occasionally the kings would return and hit the gars at the back of the boat. Then the Tailor

would turn up and hit the gars and leave some of them chopped in half. Then we noticed the kings coming up and taking

the half gars. At this point we started to put half pilchards on our hooks and sent them down the berley trail, this worked a

treat as we now started to catch a few 42-50cm Tailor and half a doz 63-65 kings. Nothing big but a lot of fun for myself and

my boys. I also had another rod out with some whole squid that I had caught a couple of weeks earlier and frozen. Four of

these squid resulted in 3 legal kings 66-68cm. One of my boys who was fishing with peeled prawns and a sinker also

caught a legal Snapper,a legal Tarwhine and a trio of dusky flatties that were a cm or two undersize. They went back

in the drink along with the undersize kings.

It was a fun few hours on the harbour with my boys and sure beats sitting at home on the couch watching tv.

Heres a few pics.





Edited by penguin
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Sounds like a fun day.

Have had kingies on the odd occasion take bread. Next time, try a ball of bread, a smallish but strong hook on a light line, and strike early when they grab the bread before they feel the hook in their mouth. And hang on for a fast run.

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