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Sometimes the aluring kingfish just takes a hold of your mind, and you're constantly out to catch them. And after all summer trying to get them i managed a few but wouldnt credit myself with 'cracking the code' by any means. Whilst i had fun targeting these fish it was hard work.

I'm sure we all have done it, wake up early in the morning with the moon still out, seeing the sunrise (beautiful) catching livies (which can take hours of the morning) then trying your best at finding them. To date, my best king was my first trip to 12 mile when i got an 86cm model. Ah good memories! :banana:

But these trips are tiring! Often spending waaay too long on the water > 9 hours, you're wrecked and exhausted. And almost every single time i say i should come home at a reasonable hour, but exhaustion is almost not felt when you're on the water. hahah It's probably like i've been on an all nighter at a rave party. And to also face the music from the other half :wife: for wasting your weekend. As by Sunday all i want to do is rest.

Anyhow, i thought it was time to do some lazy fishing, aim for your basics, bread and butter. So the plan was to hit the estuary, target breambos, flatheads, whiting and thought the Woy Woy would be a goer. Havent been there in ages.

So i picked up my mate at a lazy 830 am. Drove to Woy Woy and launched by 10. Armed with prawns and soft plastics. Started eyeing out some drop offs and sand banks and within minutes a keeper! A whiting comes on board which took some tweed head prawns.

The day was awesome. Whilst soaking baits, the strategy was to throw plastics at the drops offs with a chance of getting a flathead. We ended up with 6 duskies, 2 taken on prawn, 4 on soft platics however 1 undersize an few whiting and 1 bream. Oh and a healthy blue swimmer which managed a foul hook.

All up awesome day and an actual feed which was a bonus.

As the saying goes, a change is as good as a holiday. :sun:

Tight lines.


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Your first few words on kingfish have been a bit of an eye opener for me... Might have to go back to the basics as well.

Nice catches by the way! Always pays off to flick an sp when you've got baits out.

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As I get older I am getting very choosy how and when I fish. The big boats gone, and it's back to the river. Lure fishing only, and I'm loving the first light to dawn time on the still calm water. There are so many different ways to fish soft plastics , vides, and surface lures. Twitching an unweighted Burkley Power Minnow across timber for that explosive Bream take. Inching a Cranka Crab along a rock bar, or dropping a vibe into a deep hole. I was in Coffs Harbour the other day and bought some Orikanemushi ( google them there is a video all in Japanese I like looking at ) Cant wait to inch one over some fallen timber or over the flats. I do fish hard. I do go home tired and enjoy an afternoon nap. But Life is good!

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Must admit im still working on my lures fishing techniques. The bites are fewer however the excitement is better and the fish is usually bigger.

Need to do more SP and HB fishing though... maybe i'll just wont bring bait next time


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Must admit im still working on my lures fishing techniques. The bites are fewer however the excitement is better and the fish is usually bigger.

Need to do more SP and HB fishing though... maybe i'll just wont bring bait next time


That's the answer Sid. I don't take any bait or bait catching gear when I go Murray Cod lure and spinnerbait fishing. You have to persist a bit more but the "pay off" is worth it.

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Best post I've read in a while. I live in Western Sydney and always stay too long on the water wishing for that one last bite that will produce a big one. Just when exhaustion kicks in, I have to face the afternoon peak traffic on the M5 and arrive home totally wasted and disappointed with my day's fishing. Might try the back to basics too.

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When is this SP day? I'm happy to join. Care to provide some details?

fisho.sid you probably need to have your settings set at "read unread" on your feed so that you are getting all the info on fishraider

The Soft Plastic learning day is on May 21st and details can be found by checking Social Events section or the community calendar. If you are viewing on a computer look at top right for upcoming events too. We advertised it in Fishing Reports and Social Events.

Here is a direct link for you http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=80744

Don't miss out ;)

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Guest Guest123456789

Thanks for sharing your report Sid. Makes people like me who can't afford a boat feel a bit better about being a land based fisho.

Edited by Guest123456789
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