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Drifting for flathead


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Gday Raiders

I suspect most fishos face similar questions from the people they see regularly, but every monday as i walk into the office i am faced with the question "did u get out for a fish Sam". That is usually followed with a 15 or so minute discussion in which im doing most of the talking !! So some of the boys from work had been pushing for a team fishing outing and i was more than happy to take the boys out.

Conditions were forecast to be reasonable but the afternoon looked messy so i agreed on the condition that the boys meet at rose bay at 6am. They reluctanty agreed and it was on.

Having had pretty good success on the flathead lately i planned to drift in the hope that the boys could go home with a reasonable feed for their families. It was a great day out with plenty of fun had, flathead caught between the 4 of us, including a deep sea trev which was a surprise catch.

It was a great day had by all and we headed back in at 1130 before the wind picked up.

Thanks for reading


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Nice work Sam. Don't you just love the pressure when taking other people fishing? Not! Some think that it's just a matter of putting a baited line in the water. We all know that it's not always that easy but don't you love when it is! Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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