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The post about 5 top fish


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This post has been removed because a person that joined fishraider today showed pics of people with blacked out faces and boasted about eating undersized fish.

Several members posted angry answers back to the poster of the pics.

This fool and another of his buddies has been banned. We do take this very seriously and we have details to share with DPI or police at any time it is requested.

In future please please please use the REPORT feature that is below every post in fishraider (see pic below) this ensures that the issue is logged for moderators and admin to look at. Once you hit "report" a screen will come up and you can type a bit about what the issue is.

Let's keep fishraider a great place - help us with those reports when needed raiders.


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It's hard to teach people commonsense. It's a shame that there are more people out there just like them. All we can do is lead by example and enjoy sharing our GOOD stories!

Cheers scratchie!!!

You can teach people just about everything, but not common sense.

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Guest Guest123456789

The most important thing is to try and get their number plate and report date, time location to fisheries immediately (leave a voice message if need be). Sometimes you need to hide and watch them leave and follow them to their cars. Proud to say I've done this successfully and some of the serial culprits at my local spots no longer fish there.

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