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middle harbour


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me and a mate head out to day in kayaks in hopes of landing some nice whiting and bream. we launched in sailors bay at 8:30. we head straight for the flats and started the fish the drop off. on about my 5th cast i got a nice hit and the fish starts to take line and the drag is screaming. there where a few good head shakes so i thought it was a nice flathead and was worried it would cut through my 6lb leader. the fish tows me away from the mariner and in to open water. i get some line back and start to see colour. its was a nice trevally with a few salmon swimming around it. i land the trevally and it ended up going 46cm. which is my new pb (old one was 44cm).

we stayed in sailors bay for another half hour but we got no more fish so we treked it to sugar loaf bay to fish the flats there. after the half hour paddle to sugar loaf we fished lures for another 3 hours with only 7 fish landed between the 2 of us with 1 legal flathead, 2 legal whiting and 4 under size bream. we decide to call it quits and head home at around 2:30 since there was not much happening and it was pretty hot so i wanted to go for a swim and jump off the baths.

it was a nice day out on the water with little wind and no rain. some good fish landed and i am keen for summer



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