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Best moon phase for fishing?


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I have read various articles about how the moon can affect fishing in a good way,apparently moonrise and moonset is good for improving your catch.

I'm interested to hear other fishos thoughts and or experiences with this

Whatever it may be[emoji106]

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I like just before the dark and the full moon, with the dark being better for jews and the full good for just about everything.


I see your point,I went out today on a new moon,2% moon and it was really quiet,

Fish just did not seem interested [emoji51]

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I like a full or near-full moon for squid and bream and have heard that the lead-up to the full moon is best for jewies (haven't caught enough of them to validate this!).

I'm no expert but as far as I know full and no moons have the bigger tides and bigger tides = stronger tidal flow, stronger tidal flow = more food and baitfish to attract predators.

Experience has however taught me you can catch or not catch on any moon phase. Best just to get out there!

It is good to know when the solunar calendar lines up just right though. Adds to the anticipation. :)

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So many opinions on this one, Some people swear by moon phases. Generally if you're night fishing a full moon is nicer to fish by than a dark moon as you can see stuff better. Tailor are generally more active on a full moon.

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My opinion is that while the full and new moons produce stronger tides, the full moon is often better for both angler and angled? :banana: I find this is simply because of the light that the moon provides. If you go night fishing, especially for squid, you'll know that they hang around lights, jetties etc., not because they can't see, but because the bait they are chasing is drawn to the light. Under a full moon this is essentially a non-factor, so you could expect ot find fish in areas where out of the light, where otherwise they would not be actively hunting.

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Here's a little secret: a couple of days the moon is very close to the Earth (supermoon) and the moon is 30% brighter than usual I believe, and causes a strong tide too. Just avoid all the photographers on the beach, wet a line, and watch the magic happen! B)


Cheers, amberjack.

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On 10/1/2016 at 11:08 PM, Mike89 said:

I like a full or near-full moon for squid and bream and have heard that the lead-up to the full moon is best for jewies (haven't caught enough of them to validate this!).

I'm no expert but as far as I know full and no moons have the bigger tides and bigger tides = stronger tidal flow, stronger tidal flow = more food and baitfish to attract predators.

Experience has however taught me you can catch or not catch on any moon phase. Best just to get out there!

It is good to know when the solunar calendar lines up just right though. Adds to the anticipation. :)

Mike's on the money I reckon.

Best to be out there full stop. The moon is one of many factors that influence fish to feed, this all depends on what you want to catch, what the other conditions are and what the surroundings are like at the time.

Tides probably play a bigger part (which are controlled by the moon so easy to confuse the two) however I find the moon very important for night fishing. If the moon is full and the surface is flat I walk away, very few catches for me - possibly due to the difficulty hunting fish face in ambushing prey.

Rough water like the beach or a windy lake night and the moon doesn't seem to matter, possibly even better on the lead up to the full moon (3-4 days).

May sound (and be) well of the mark however that's my experience, hope it helps you.

Cheers, James

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Sometimes when I go out night fishing I don't catch anything on any moon phase,other times on those same moon phases I do.

What I do know is I've never caught a fish sitting here on Fishraider at any time of day or moon phase with my hook out of the water.

That's the way I see it anyway.

As some else said the Full moon tends to bring the tailor on the bite though.

I wonder if on a moonlit night the predatory fish can see the bait fish better from beneath them and afar?I'd say they can.


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